The title pretty well sums up the travel portion of our trip so far. Shane thought I should again mention what it is like to drive here! Even the locals worry every time they venture out. So I've told you about the speed, the number of cars and the no passing zones where everyone passes. What about the cows on the road and the guys trying to sell you stuff at every stop sign. The police are out in force to hand out 'speeding' tickets. There are many advantages to driving a little standard rental car.... it just has such a hard time speeding! Speeds go from 120 km/hr to 60 km/hr with little or no warning... not even rumble humps.... then they don't tell you when you can again speed up. Some towns tell you to go 60 and some towns (that look virtually identical) they don't even tell you to slow at all! I could go on but you're probably wondering about what rumble humps are.... in Canada wwe call them speed bumps.. They are only used when you are required to pay tolls on the main highways. I thought rumble humps was pretty funny till I saw a business advertisng "Krap 'n Kry".... that one I'll never figure out!
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