This blog entry is not the kind I usually post. Yes, I'm going to try to bore you with some details, what else would you expect from me? More than travel, however, this part of the journey was about reconnecting with good friends (our Japanese family) and meeting new friends (yes Yumi, I mean you and your family).
Pretty much the first thing we did after Mayumi and Gosuke picked us up from Kansai Airport was to take Shane to the doctor. Seems that nasty cold bug his sister was fighting in Bhutan decided to hitch a ride in a new host to Japan. Red runny eyes and a deep cough were not what we had hoped to bring as souvenirs.
So...the plane was late... (Sota had hoped we would be there waiting for him at the apartment in Osaka when he got home from school but no chance), heavy traffic, a visit to the doctor (with a side trip to pick up chicken while we waited for his prescriptions to be filled) as well as a shower and a quick load of laundry ensured that we arrived late to the Motoi home in Sanda city. The nice thing about visiting 'family' is that you know they'll understand.
By 8:30 we were chowing down on crunchy chicken wings and laughing over old memories. It's been six years since we've visited Japan. Grandma Yukiko is gone now but I can still feel her spirit in our laughter. It seemed like no time had passed....but the kids have grown so much! Manito (Yoko's oldest) is no longer that little boy looking for trouble. Now he is serious about his studies and involved in sports though he still has that little boy twinkle in his eyes. Takito and Sota are close in age, really nice kids and very good friends. Kotona is a precious little girl now in grade one. Last time we were here she was a new baby! Then there's Gosuke... what a character. He was shy at first but it wasn't long before his four year old brain kicked in and we became fast friends.
Picture the scene... Kayoko (Mayumi's Mom and my friend) surveying the chaos in her once clean kitchen as five kids, two Canadians and two of her daughters all vie for the most chicken wings. Shane is lying on the couch with an ice pack on his forehead and Kotona is playing nurse. So relaxing in a chaotic kind of way and amazing either of us has energy after the long commute!
The next day was Saturday so everyone was home. Takamichi joined us before lunch and we all headed off to Arimafuji-park. This beautiful park is just a walk away from the family home however we chose to drive because it was so hot! The Japanese really know how to create family friendly environments. Here kids can go fishing, bug collecting (they even have ant colonies to inspect in their interpretive centre), turtles to watch and tunnels to explore and a traditional house where there are traditional games to play (no electronics!). Can't help but compare this green space to the barren parks in Kathmandu.
When we got home Kayoko had been busy with Yukiko in the kitchen. Isao had harvested onions earlier in the day (with Sota's help) and he was busy pruning back the bushes. Mika joined us with her two girls. Tonight we have a big barbecue dinner with family and friends. Delicious food and lots of laughs. Some of the kids demonstrated their talents for us. Sota played the guitar. Takito made balloon animals and Kotona danced for us. Manito and Takito displayed some marshal arts moves and a good time was had by all!
Sunday morning was a lazy time playing with the kids and chatting. Later in the day we visited friends of the family. The father and son are well known potters. It got a little messy as most of us got in to the creative mood with clay. Don't know what my chop stick rests will look like in the end but I had lots of fun making them. Later I embarrassed myself during a tea ceremony. After whisking the powdered tea in to the perfect frothy concoction you are supposed to daintily twist the whisk and gently set it to the side. I'm not that dainty and it made for lots of laughter as I tried to whip the tea out of the poor fragile whisk. Both the whisk and I survived the humiliation. Next try I did better as I served Takimichi his tea!!
A visit to a special display of ceramics in the local museum capped off the afternoon. We made our way home for supper with the family before Mayumi and Mika headed back to Osaka with their families.
Next morning we got up early and had Kayoko's onions harvested before she got up. It seemed like a pretty easy job for us ... picking, tying in bundles of five & clipping the roots and long greens. Nice to get outside and help. She helped us finish off the job and hang the bundles for drying.
Yukiko came over again to help out in the garden... then we did a little shopping and we took the ladies out to lunch. Nice day. Shane and I wanted to make a special dinner for the family. I was thinking something different like veal parmesan!! But nope... the kids wanted hot that's what we made. Found dogs and buns and ketchup...sauteed onions and garlic and they were a hit! Made a green salad with the Little Creek Dressing I brought over from Canada. We put shrimp and strawberries in the salad which was also something they hadn't had and also a big hit!
Tuesday we headed off to meet a new friend, Yumi, in Shirahama. Our last memory of our home in Sanda was Kayoko in the parking lot below the train platform. She had dropped us off at the door...waved goodbye until she couldn't see us any more then drove to the other side of the station. Not wanting us to leave, she got our attention and chatted away as we waited for the train. So sweet to see tears in her eyes and feel the same.
We have a wonderful Japanese family....
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