I feel somewhat like a Pearce Brosnan from Volcano, as hot steam is emerging from the drains, and the smell of burning in the air! I am infact in Rotorua, famed for its geothermal activity! I have just arrived here after a full day in Waitomo! Yesterday, I headed over to the Auckland Museum to find out a little more Maori culture, its was facinating stuff, but i'm not a huge fan of museums and was back into the main town an hour later on! Its been quite an amusing day so far, during the night, one of my fellow roommates who i've no idea where is from, as he just grunts, was making the most bizzare of sleeping noises I have ever heard, then suddenly he left from his bed and stummbled towards the door and just walked off... I have never seen sleep walking before - it was really strange.... Hours later when I was getting up for a 7am pickup, I opened up the door to the main corridor, and there he was, fast asleep, snorning his head off on the floor!
Anyways, I boarded the bus for Waitomo, (Water Hole) and very excited. Our bus driver, a lovely lady from Holland is now a Kiwi was a bizzare if not irritating accent, and unfortunately for the pasengers had a running comentary on the bus for the full 3 hours, such as, isn't this road windy and i'm now moving into the fast lane over the tannoy system...
We arrived at the caves early this afternoon, and unfortunately we werent allowed to take photos, so you'll have to do a search on google to get some! BUT, this was the most amazing thing I have ever seen, we had a short walk through the caves, and then in Phantom of the Opera style, we boarded a boat in pitch darkness and sailed through caves lit with thousands and thousands of glow worms, everyone on the boat was in silence in awe of what we were seeing, it was as if you were starring up at another galaxy!
Onwards from there, and this is bizzare, we made an unscheduled stop at... wait for it, a rabbit shearing shed! Ok, I had no idea what lay before me, but they breed giant German bunnies, they looked more like small sheep to me, and then we had a shearing demonstration for us, well, myself and a girl from China were in hysterics, sometimes you just have to stand back and think about the situation you are in, i'm on the other side of the world, watching a giant german bunny loosing its dignity whilst being spun on a rotisery, poor thing! I had a photo taken with an unshaven rabbit, you've got to see it to believe it!
Tomorrow, I have another early start, and headed out on a morning tour of Rotorua, which I am very much looking forward to! Tonight, I think I will enjoy a couple of NZ beers!
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