Good morning from a wet and windy Auckland, its frickin freezin' in a word! Unlucky Spurs, heehehehhh! Yesterday I went to the very top of the Sky Tower, the southern hemispheres tallest building, quite a view, and today, i'm off to face the elements and heading to Auckland Museum which is supposed to be fantastic, so will spend my day there!
As a little aside, last night whilst draining the washing up water, guess what happened... the water drained away the other way round!!! Gravity eh?! I was just starin at it for ages, and even ran some more water in to watch it again, people must think i'm a nutter ;)
I can hear the rain pelting down as I type, hope it eases off... tomorrow I leave the City of Sails bound for Rotorua, which is quite a drive, on the way though we're headed for caves, glow worms and underground boat rides, sure to be absolutely stunning, this country is amazing! I even spotted some hip-hop Maori's yesterday groovin it on the street, pretty bizzare to say the least!
Right, i'm off to get soaked! Hope its not too sunny back home for ya :p Come on you Gooners!
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