Wanaka is a very similar town to Queenstown, only it's much more relaxed and there aren't as many tourists. If I were to design a town I would design Wanaka, it's just perfect, it has the most amazing views and it is so easy to find your way about.
Took it easy for the best part of my time in Wanaka waiting on the proper weather conditions to do my 'Sky Dive'. Three days went by with gale force winds that were snapping telegraph poles and uprooting trees, but then on forth morning at 8.30 in the morning I got the OK.
It was a beautiful summers morning with not even an air. The mini bus came and picked us all up and took us to the jump site. They got us ready for the jump and told us what we had to do when exiting the plane and during the different stages of the free fall.
We were then asked if we wanted to jump from 12,000 or 15,000 feet. Everyone went for the 12,000 ft, but I through if I was going to do the jump I might as well do it right, so I asked to do the 15,000ft.
We went up in the plane and when we reached the 12,000ft I got to see the others jump out and fall like a stone. This is when I started to think that this wasn't such a good idea, but that it was actually happening and that I would be next.
It didn't actually feel as scary coming out of the plane as I had previously through. Then I got a floating sensation as I fell two miles in sixty seconds. It was a great feeling as the parachute opened and we went back up into the air.
We then did a couple of spins to the right and then the left to make sure the parachute opened properly. This was followed by a nice soft landing. It was an incredible rush and it certainly woke me up for the rest of the day.
I now find myself running out of days in New Zealand, as I need to travel twice the distance I've covered in the last 19 days in the next 10 if I'm to make it to Auckland by the 16th. So I'm going to be doing a lot of traveling over the next while. Next stop 'Franz Josef'.
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