Before i get into australia i need to update you the last few days of our fiji trip...which i loved to bits...we went out kayaking at sunset which i never realised how hard that was on the shoulders i might take up rowing or something when i back really enjoyed that...we met a few more people and had a really good time and played more drunken ring of fire with these people... unfortunately more of my favourites left the resort in the last few days but it was good to break in the newbie's to ring of fire, which the three london girls were awesome and showed us a new game called vegetable...which i wont tell you how to play but it is the single most funny game i have ever end up crying..i am going to save that one for when i get home its amazing. Another funny thing happened late on in the and russ got told off by the fijian staff ha-ha which i know i shouldnt laugh but when i say told off i mean she was joking and laughing whilst telling us off. Luckily i wasn't there but russ was walking up to our hut when a staff member came up to him asking if he was in room 7. he said yes so she said come with me and escorted russ to our room ha-ha. It was here she asked him where both me and russ where sleeping out of the 6 beds in the was then russ had noticed we had in some way used all six beds between us throughout the week we were there and the room wasn't messy but it wasn't suitable for anyone to join which an american couple had declined our room earlier that day as it was too messy ha-ha. Ok i know this sounds bad but firstly we had to use sheets from the other beds for our toga party...which for that occasion and russ's birthday it was a must...trying to explain that so a fijian lady apparently was difficult according to russ hahahahahaha. and secondly the bunk under me and ruses we had piled our bags and stuff on as nobody was using them and as we had the room to ourselves all week we thought no-one was joining us at all so we spread was still fairly clean, just all used ha-ha.. apparently in her fijian accent she came out with and i quote " YOU ENGLISH BOYS YOU GET DRUNK EVERY NIGHT AND YOU SLEEP EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!" hahahaha which when russ told me that, i burst into hysterical laughter as it wasnt far from the truth. it was so funny...we got a slapped wrist and was made to tidy up...but what made it worse when we she looked at out cloths still had the sheets and pillows cases tied together which made my toga from the few nights before which had sand and booze stained on it...she wasn't happy hahahaha...oh well they still love us. Also had a massage from one of the fijian ladies that works there, it was 20 bucks which is about 8 pound for an hour it was sooo nice too very very nice but she had to watch out for my blistered shoulders which really wasn't very nice...they haven't heeled properly yet but are ok...serves me right for not putting cream on after getting wet...i am a fool. Apart from that saying bye to our friends and the place was sad...i am definably going back its my favourite place in the world it has captured me. I love it. Ok i wont talk about fiji anymore well not until i go back there ha-ha.
So....Sydney Australia, well where do i start on this place...firsty very different to Fiji. secondly i love this place too. We got to sydney and got the buss from the airport to bondi beach which when you see is just beautiful...its a very pretty place and very well kept. you have the beach the then walks around the cliffs and rocky parts to each side where you can walk and take really good pics. The sand is beautifully white and the sea is fantastic...very warm and very livly...the amount of people exercising or running on bondi astounded me..its like the fashionable thing to do on bondi...did you go for a run on bondi beach etc...its really health conscious and all people guys and girls are very attractive people. its got to have some of the prettiest people on earth there. as far as a beach goes it amazing and really worth it and the surf id pretty cool there too..its a must. That the bondi good for the bad.................................................... I think it is safe to say that after the hanging on the beach and a few nice walks i didn't really like bondi...or my experiance there. i think part of it was i was spoilt by fiji which is my new favourite place and when we arrived to our surfside hostel....the spoilt feeling kicked in..that place was a dive. Myself and russ were just 2 of 11 people sharing one very very small dingy dorm to which a couple shared a bed and had sex all day and all night..seeing her naked during the day was not an unusual thing..also on the bunk below me i had a guy who had been there a year who sold drugs at night and slept all day..yeah you know i locked my stuff up at night too and slept with my valuables haha.. so with the sex crazy couple, a drug nocternal drug dealer and no room to even see the dingy carpet of our very tiny room..3 nights there was certainly enough. We had originally booked 7 nights but we needed to get out as soon as we wasted a few nights and decided to move into central sydney. Like i said bondi was a nice place very pretty but not for me..i didnt feel like i was in australia..i felt like i was in has a very american philosophy about the whole place with fake people exercising...bulky guys posing in just small speedos and hot girls running around EVERYWHERE which wasnt a bad thing..but after a week in la and and week chilling and doing nothing but chilling in fiji..a touristy place where all you could do was chill out american style was the last thing i needed..all the time i simply thought i need to be in a very australian place as little touristy as possible..even after sydney today i still feel like that and want to see something more australian and i am looking forward to brisbane. One thing i will say is bondi town and shopping centre is pretty good and much like a fareham sort of was ok..enjoyed venturing out to there one day.
Like i said we left bondi beach early and decided to stay a few days in the city..we are staying in glebe which is a 10 minute buss journey out of the city its really easy and very cheap...we spent the first day mooching about and scoping the place out..we went to west pac and sorted out our bank accounts which was nice and reassuring to know our money had actually arrived haha. other than that we chilled out checked the city out had lunch and went for a few beers in a local but fairly random pub on glebe street with some girls we met at our hostel. We woke up this morning ready for a fun filled day of being typical tourists. i am sorry i didn't wear the bumbag..hahaha i would have fitted in though. We saw the harbour bridge which is so surreal to actually think about doing all these things before you go and you know they are there but when you are stood in front of something so amazing and with the surrounding it really is such a beautiful view..alittle bit spine tingling when you first see it....i took many pics which you will see on my pics on facebook. We didn't do the walk as we dint have enough money but being underneath it and chilling out near it was so nice and i love that bridge its very cool...just across the harbour there was the sydney opera house which in its own right is a beautiful building...just to see it in the flesh is sooooo amazing...its a great building and although you know what it looks like before and the amazing architecture of the building you cant appreciate how amazing it is until you see it from a distance across the water and up close next to it. Standing by the bridge taking pictures, a northern irish guy called jay asked if we could take a pic of him..we did and got chatting about travelling and he tagged along with our touristy agenda for the rest of the day..he was a really nice guy and had a good laugh with him today. he is going to hopefully meet up in brisbane with us again. he was really cool. All three of us bought tickets for the opera house tour which i will come back to in a moment but that wasn't until 3.30 so we had 3 hours to burn..we walked through sydney to get some lunch then to darling harbour where we all went into the aquarium. Being in australia i expected this to be pretty cool and it did not was ace..obviously you see the usual fish you see at home or the london aquarium but you see some things that you just don't get a chance to see at crocodiles which even for the small one they had it was bloody huge and pretty scary looking. They had a lot of random topical fish and other types of specials that you don't normally see like sea horses and octopuses or squids which were interesting to see.. I have pictures of these. But the really cool stuff was in a huge tank where you walk through a glass tunnel much like the one in london with huge things swimming around you.. the sharks were awesome to see and took a few pics and studies them up close against the glass a fair bit the animals like giant sting rays and the giant turtles were soo cool to see it was great... the giant turtles are gorgeous and just so giant (exactly what it says on the tin)..they are huge. After that we had to rush back to the sydney opera house as we lost track of time but we got there in time to find Jay had lost his ticket but he got it so all was AOK.
The opera house was so very interesting, apart from being an architecturally beautiful building up close it had a fascinating history which we were sat down to watch a video and explain it before we got going. it was interesting to hear that it was completed in 1966 but the idea of it was first announced in the lat 40's by the conductor at the time of the sydney symphony orchestra, it was planned and budgeted as a 3 million dollar project to be completed in 7 years but ended up through much political controversy and c*** ups being a 102 million dollar project which took 16 years to complete...we thought the spiniker tower in portsmouth was a huge c*** up being 7 years late..that was nothing compared to this...there were so many problems the architect was sacked halfway through and the new government put a new team in place to finish not only over 100 million, 16 years but also which two architects. Crazy but it was all worth it because outsde and inside each theatre it is something special. The two main halls are amazing so big and spacious and just being in there makes you want to experiance a show or a cencert. hearing the detail of the internal furnishing and fittings for each type of sound and accoustics were so intricate and was amazing to hear how they got it spot on... the structure is precast concrete but the intricasy of the concrete for that design is amazing and being done in the 50's is even more amazing...its still a beautifual building. OK i am sure i have bored you all about the sydney opera house but if you are in sydney the tour is a must its pretty cultured and interesting..i enjoyed it.
The rest of the time we are chilling out at the hostel on glebe street and chatting to other travelers from all over hearing there stories which are cool and i am having a better time at this hostel people are much friendlier and chatty. I am happy. We had a few beers in a bar in sydney central and were lucky enough to my untter excitment to catch a replay of the pompey and chelsea game at fratton park a few days ago..obviously we didnt know the score but an english guy near us did but kept it quiet..we were both gutted to see drogba score and kill us off haha oh well but it was really nice to see our home town on tv and was even better to it it was pissing it down with rain and was freezing...sorry guys but it was reasuring and funny from our point of you...take a moment to curse us now.....ok.....go curse...........ok good hahaha. I have written this a day early again i normally write so much i need some time haha..but i have another day left in sydney where i need to sort a few things out and we are going to try to see the museam tomorrow before we get on our 14 hour train journey from sydney central station to brisbane central where we are hoping to set up camp for a while and find jobs..this needs to be done otherwise i will home in the next few months which would be sad...i am quite confident we can get jobs. At the moment i dont think there is anything else to report, i have had a good few days in bondi and syndey i loved the amazing things i saw today i love the city its a mixture or new modern buildings and older art deco and cultured buildings and is a very nice clean city..i would live hear if i had the money..its quite pricey. But overall i have loved sydney would like to come back but our next adventure is bribane and if i remember anything else i will update again...sorry if i have rambled on bit its been alot of fun here and you all need to come to sydney sometime in your lives, its spectactular.
Missing you all and cant wait to speak to you next, keep me updated on how everyone and how england it..i hear its snowing again...and again im smiling...yes curse again hahaha..
love you all and look forward to hearing from you..take care of yourselves.
Goose out!
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