Hey everyone welcome to my fiji blog...enjoy
Right where to start?..i have absolutley fallen in love with fiji...this is 100% paradise there is no question about it...there cannot be any place on earth better than this and if there is it will be the same...its amazing here...i am sooo happy. The motto hear is fiji time which means take everything easy and totally chill much like the jamaicans ..if you book to do something at wont start till bout 10.20..totally relaxed. Its my 5th day here and i have started writing this blog now because i have so much to tell then i will save it before i finish it later. Well Our first day we arrived at nadi airport about 5 am in the morning, we stepped off the plane and the heat and humidity was perfect really warm..its like low 20's that early is amazing. we got a bus to the beach house which took about 2 hours to get to which we travelled through country roads on the coast and saw some of the most amazing view of the hills and the greenery of the really is the most beautiful place i have ever something out of jurasic park. It does vary depeding on what part you drive through and you really do see fiji is a very very poor country with some small communities living in small huts and dirty streets, i know its not the worst place in the world but it was interesting to see has made me more appreciative just seeing a few small communities of how a life on fareham is pretty damn good. The different is everyone in fareham has everything but moans and is miserable about petty things where the people here in fiji have next to nothing and very little luxuries but are the happiest people i have ever met..i cant praise the fijian people enough, just wonderful people. When we arrived at the hostel i was simply shocked and stunned at the paradise,we had breakfast and met everyone who was here which all were so nice and welcoming and have got to know a fair few of the really really well. The rest of the day we scoped out the place and all the chill out areas here with the beach just in front. The first time i stepped out into the ocean it was like a bath. I went for a walk but the ground is quite rocky in certian places so you have to go quite careful. The evening we chilled out under the food hut and got some pictures of the sunset. All of this you can see from my pictures and my video blog which when i get a chance to put all of this on here i will.
The second day we went to a town called sigatoga i think it is called that anyway, its about 40 mins away on the bus. this town was a really small grotty town which alot of people trying to get you into their shops..many very helpful, polite and pleasent as every fijian i have met is, but the shop owners your pretty sure they are only being like that to get you to buy something but all fijian people are the lovliest and happiest people, i suppose they see a westerner and try to get what they can. I really wanted to buy a small authentic paper type map of fiji to frame and take home but it would just get tarnished with the travelling and plus i want to come back here on the way back..i would regret not seeing the amazing place again in my life. It was there we bought the alcohol for the toga party that evening for Russ's birthday. A small fijian man halped us find the cheapest place for the rum which is what everyone drinks here...bounty rum, no cider people i was besides myself haha. As he led us to the shops he took us through some very busy and native indoor market where everybody looked at you as you walked through, it was like a scene of a western movie when someone walked into a bar..i felt abit out of place but it was an experiance.We got the bus back with fijian children looking at us and smiling at us as we were both so different and suppose they dont see too my westerners but it was nice, everything and everyone is lovley. we had some children of some of the workers at the beach house a few days ago which were adorable..i missed my chance to get a picture with the cuties.
That night everyone got there bed sheets and wrapped themselves up for the toga party and when you see the pics everyone was great, they really put the effort in and gave russ the best brthday of his life to which he was so happy. You will see these pictures. This party was the single most fun party i have ever had in my entire life, the people were dressed up, we played drinking games to which i will go into in a moment...the place was amazing to be and everyone got so drunk on rum it was perfect, so perfect i got so drunk, striped and danced for everyone one in the hostel on top of a huge table...i had the full chipendale music and the moves it was very very funny, the girls were taking pictures under my toga but i was wearing boxers to their dissapointment..and i had a hat as a sort of prop for my performance...if a career in the police for doesnt come along i might just be a male stripper it was kinda fun...what i can remember of it. someone at this moment has just reminded me i was doing lunges in my toga on the table just before embarrassing..i think people have videos.... ooops. but as most of you know i dont shy away from embarasing things and im pretty sure this wont be my last strip tease of my trip haha it was certainly a wild moment in my life stripping drink in a togo to people i have known not even 24 hours..only travelling i am sure you can get away with that. The drinking games were great we played ring of fire and F#ck the dealer..both games with variations which is really interesting how people from different nations play different rules...we really have had a good bunch of people. alot have gone now i am gonna miss them. I had a great laugh with my new friend lauren all week....on many occasions we were each others b**** which meant we had to do what ever the other person asks and it kept swapping between us as one of us would do something stupid and be given the title as the others b**** haha. the night of the toga party i got so drink i wondered out to the beach to get some air and lauren followed, we chatted on the swing for about half an hour which was really nice, i liked talking to her she is awesome and a great laugh, but then half way into our conversation the heavens opened and there we were in togas on a swing getting so wet before we realised we better go back in an join the party...naturally everyone thought something happened but just for the record for any of the peeps reading this chatting was all that happened so pipe down haha.
This brings me nicely into another topic...TROPICAL word...WOW!...i cant believe being from england i am saying this but i have falling in love with tropical rain..its the most amaing thing when it really goes for it. Its not like rain at home which is cold and windy and just an inconveniance. With the heat and humidity the rain is so heavy and falls straight down..its amazing just being out in it to experiance it..espcially when you are in water like our pool..its such a great feeling i have found myself out in it everytime..people think i am mad but i am turning some people to love it..its so refreshhing and heavy. Its the rainy season here so the day is a mixture with beautiful weather and thunerstorms which are equally as impressive..i love the weather i am typing a huge bout of thunder just hit....the rain is coming so i might just run out haha. a few nights ago we were meant to go out with one of the guys from the beach house and his boat to see the sunset but the weather changed and the rain hit whilst we were out there on the was perfect calm just rain hammering was really eerie just hard rain everywhere on a flat calm in a boat...a few were saying they were cold but its been worst at home and i told myself i was gonna love every experiance and thats what i did it was great...when we hit the sands i rushed into out pool which was so warm compared to it was lush. I think there is a pic of me and russ at night in the pol with rain coming down around us..that was that day...really amazing feeling.
We also tried this fijian tribal drink called CAVA..its powder comes from the roots of a fijian plant you mix with mudy like water and drink is meant to make you high or something and clense you sort of like a detox..we had to have a ceremony where you clap one before and drink the bowl till the main bowl is wasnt the nicest but i had six bowls and kinda made me feel sick the stronger it got but i couldnt let lauren beat still competitive haha. But it was a fijian tradition and the ceremoney was really cool and witchdcotor like but sorry to report there was no high drugs up feeling it didnt give me any sensation like that. But was a cool experiance.
The rest of the time we simply chill by the pool or the beach and just chat and tell stories and enjoy everyones company in this place that i can only call perfection. At night we chat, drink alot, eat and play stupid games it really really nice..especially at sunset when everybody is getting more pics as they cant get enough of it. Its out here you meet some of the best people and in our case two the most awesome people in mitch and maddy, an australian couple here who are just so much fun and we are gonna spend some time in oz with them. I love these and russ have just clicked with them and i love em to bits..nicest couple ever. there are other awesome people here like the canadians lads, big dave and jordan, the scottish girls, the american jason who taught us a really good game for three at pool and not to mention others like the emma's, (two girls named emma we named EM and MA haha), leela and katie, hayley who is trvalling with lauren and today i met some aweome people jean franco from italy and a lady called marina from spain..very cool to chat to them about football. I have loved being here an i am going to be sad to leave it. Again amazing experiances here which is what i starting to get abit bored of doing nothing but that is not a moan haha but i am almost ready for australia now which is where the fun begins... I have more pics to put on my facebook page and i have a video blog of our hostels in LA and now fiji which i shot yesterday and when you see it please excuse my heavy breathing haha...its so hot here and walking is not part of the fiji time motto haha. I hope yu enjoy them when i have enough time to put them on, they take an age to load up.
But i think that is all i cant right now ..if i remember anything else i shall upate after but i spoke alot in my video blog which will be in my vidoes on my page very soon when i can. Oh one last thing..goccos everywhere they are soo cool..we have one in our room we named it george haha. nt to mention a huge spider the sice of coaster on our blinds near my bed this the gecco is not pulling his weight haha.
I have another day to relax in fiji before i fly to autralia at 9am on sunday morning but so far this has been better than perfect and i am definaly coming back...I hope you are all ok and i miss you all even after 2 weeks keep me upated and i mean that as much fun as i am having i still think about you all at home and wish you were here spending this amazing time with me.
Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS i am gutted im missing football. xx
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