Hey everyone welcome to my first brisbane blog..i say first as i may be here a little while as i may be lucky enough to get a job for a wee bit.
Right after my sydney escapades...we got on a train to brisbane. Overnight journey surely not going to be interesting or eventful in anyway. we got onto our train carraige thinking this will do..we can settle here for 14 sydney to brisbane i figured was an aweful long way and we would be on some super train going 100mp+....sadly not...we travelled at a boring 60mph the whole way stopping off at a fair few stations on the way.. i suppose you are thinking now that sounds pretty uneventful and make it more interesting we were joined by who i can only describe as the hillbillies of australia..these guys were a pretty sight haha... massive walking boots...with massive beards and checked they were stylish haha..i wasnt critiquing there fashion but what i will comment on is the fact that all 3 or them were complete tossers that i would have loved to micky one punch them. basically they were very roudy which i dont have a problem with but they were not funny especially with the noise they were making with familys and children on the train generally trying to sleep. They got their s*** back when they tried to open a bottle of wine they bought onto the train which is against the rules..the on board police officers soon put that to a most normal people would accept that rule and get on with travelling in peace...not the hillbillies....I know lets argue with the nice police officers so much that i got a $400 fine on the spot for drinking abottle of wine. After that they were just being a nuiscence for hours and myself and russ were having a bet as to how long they would last before eggtiing chucked off....soo with more noise and causing a fuss and unneccesary late night singing two of the 3 were eventually chucked off the train at a random station late at night...probably in the middle of nowhere and with not much they can do...serves the p**** right. They were annoying me and russ alot too...its funny to see that even in other countries you get the leary t*** who decide to get even learier when either the police or someone harder than them has walked away...we found that funny....sorry what was that mr want to wrap your first around his jaw????...why dont you call the policeman back over and say it again to his face this time, idont think he heard....i am thinking you dont get chavs in australia...just annoying hillbillies..gypsey type people....anyways enough about that..they got chucked off and so did a few more people in another carraige later on...busy night for the police on that train and after that the selling of alcohol was ceased...great thankyou hillbillies...
We arrived in brisbane at 6am but we thought it was 7am..we forgot to change our watches back an hour..oops we decided to wait for the free shuttle at 8am from the hostel but we soon realised we would have to wait another hour as we didnt change our watches back..oops a wee blonde moment there haha. We walked through the city to our hostel which wasnt far at all..brisbane is lovly, very modern and generally very clean..much like sydney but smaller and more chilled out...its a nice place and i have worked my way around the city fairly well now. When we got to our hostel we couldnt check in til 1pm so we were going to have to wait for 5 hours before we could get in our room. At that moment the guy at reception got a call from someone who needed a days work to help him prepare the final clearup and touches to his new restaurant. We started at 8 am and worked right through till was hard work lifting heavy funrtinure..sanding and varnishing benches and general labour to get the restaurant up together for that was ok..the day went quick as we were busy...we got screwed and abused abit as we were pommes (english) but we took it well and had some banter...the project manger of the place was an arrogant a****** but we carried on for the money which was s*** but it was better than sitting on our asses doing nothing waiting for our room..certainly an experiance but now i know what is expecting from us brits on a random days hard..and be abused by the ozzies..haha. After that we simply chilled out got into or rooms and decided we needed a beer in the club next to our hostel which is practiacally everyone goes there every night..joined by locals and is always a good night. The first night few beers turned into a couple of jugs of cider which i will say is cheap..a jug of cider is 10 bucks..a fiver for us..thats a bargain... i was quite happy to get smashed on cider...we met alot of people that night..people at the hostel and locals just out for a night in that club...we got a booth and a large group played more ring of fire...very drunk..very fun and some good memeries and friends were made that night....russ got so drunk so early and with a 14 hour train journey, 10 hour days at work then hitting it hard at the bar...he was falling the bouncer escorted him out to go to sleep haha bless the wee on the other hand stayed up with the others till 5am when we got chucked out and the other two hours after that i wont go into..but cutting a long story short..i got in about 8am..sleep for a few hours then explored the city. Crazy first night in brisbane and a stroke of luck with the job. That night we met a really cool spanish guy called annibal...we thought his name was hannibal at first in lector but he put us right..hes a nice quite guy with limited english so he comes back with some brillaint one liners that sound so funny but its just his limited english...brillaint guy! one day we were all looking a a hot blonde and he suddenly came out with in his spanish accent and bad english...."SHE GOD TO F%UCK NO??" hahaha wse were rolling...also he took my new mobile australian mobile number one night and the follwoing day he txt me but didnt put who it was from.. i was confused as noone in oz had that number yet....i asked who it was and his response in his limited english was...I AM ANNIBAL!!!!.....hehe me and the guys were rolling about again..he is a good fan but we can forgive him!!! By the way my new australian number is (+61) 0450876624.
The next night we met some more guys in our room chris and adam from york...they were brillaint guys..great sense of humour and totally fitted with me and russ..we went to the super market and had a BBQ in what i can only really desbribe it as a park with small hut shelters and and tables and grills where the public can was really good and we all ate so much and had a laugh till the sun went down and we headed our way back. This was the day i bought my travlling guitar..130 bucks from a small shop and its a bargain..its really good and looks just like my good one at home..i have named her roxanne. Also i got the lads to be the first to sign it..everyone i have made friends with or had a special bond with i am getting them to sign it as i go by the end i will have signatured front and back of it with stickers of all the places i have been around the outside of it..its going to be a nice little momento of this trip. The following night our brisbane friends mitch and maddy that we met in fiji invited us out to watch mitch play and sing at an open mic guitar night at a pub, maddy cooked an amazing lamb roast dinner which was easily the best meal i have had in the past few weeks..certain beats pasta or noodles body remebered for a brief moment what vegetables were haha. Mitch was awesome on the guitar..he played a three song set which included wonderwall just for mine and russ's benifit with a little shout was brillaint and he is a very talanted man...there were many other performers that were good as well but the pub had a few special guests that had obviously been signed over here in oz or well know at least but the first guy tango was amazing he played two of his own songs that gave me shivers down my back and then a cover of times like these from the foo fighters which was equally as good. The girl after him was called gina..she is literally the best lyricist i have ever heard..her songs gave me shivers too and could easily be a number one hit that you would sing along to on the radio..maybe one day she will be famous. When gina finishes her set the guy that owned the place wanted her to do one more song of her choice but there was a a guy in the audiance that goes regularly who could play a mean harmonica..she he made him join gina on stage and just wing it..adding the harmonica into her song..he was brillaint and it worked so well...that guys is a genious. he then played with a few other perfomers and was so impressive he rules the stage with a harmonica and it wasnt till i left the club that i realised he just got up on stage out of the blue and just winged it competly and put his stamp on other peoples songs..was brillaint..we all agreeded it was amazing. I dont know if you would get that standard in open mic nights in the UK as i have never been to one or not at least anything like it in a very long time but if they are that good in england i am definaly going to find one when i am home..Might even get on stage myself ;) That night we stayed at maddy and mitches flat which was very swanky..they obviously do very well and were the best hosts for us...they are really helping us out here. Saved a nights accomodation anyway.
Oh yeah there is something else i forgot before the open mic night....thats day we went into town to find a hairdressors as both our hair were getting out of control..we walked for ages without finding one until we caught a sign for brisbane school for hairdressors hahahaha..i know what you are all thinking...we were s***ting ourselves was like going to a local college and letting students cut your hair. very scary we both walked in gingerly past half of the salon who were cutting dolls hair till we got to the main part. We both waited and had our turn and when i was explaining what i girl asked her teacher over to concur..which literally made me gulp and she didnt seem that competant..but give her her due she did a good job anbd was a really cool girl we were chatting loads...the teacher came over and tiddied the cut up and it was actually not bad..what made it better was it only cost me 10 bucks (a fiver haha) brillaint....gemma if you are reading this dont worry she did good and ill still be coming back to you..but make a mental note.....a fiver!!!!!..hint hint!!! haha but i bet you find this funny. haha funny times. Poor russ he had a girl that couldnt even speak english and it was interesting but i will let him tell his side of that story haha. it was good though!
Last night we had a night in the bar next to us paying more drinking games with the staff from an internet and events agency called peter pans. I have got to know a few of the staff there and they are a good laugh. When we came back from mitch and maddys we had to check into another room. When we walked into the room we were happy to see that my friend carla was in the same room..much to her distgust as we had been ribbing her for the past few hours around town hahaha..its all good banter... also a girl that we knew from paterpans was in the bunk below me and when she walked in it was soo cool we are so happy easily one of the best rooms we have had. Carla is really cool..she is only with us a for a few days. I met carla on facebook many months ago on the STA travel facebook group when she posted a message to anyone that was going to sydney in march and we got to know each other abit..she is cool and its been a laugh but she is moving on to cains shortly. Going back to last night in the bar it was fantastic..definaly one of the best nights so far of the trip..not for the antics or being crazily drunk because i wasnt that for a change bad but because for someone i met. Her name is kajsa she is swedish and very beautiful, i am sure pics will be up...we just started chatting and got on like a house on fire...its very rare in life that you automatically click with someone straight away..especially someone of the opposite sex....we chatted and drunk all night and just had a fantastic night with each other being stupid and learning about each other...i walked her home at 3am, we have a date for saturday night i am looking forward to..its a shame the situation will most likely work against us.. also that night a few very drunk ozzy guys came and chatted to me and kajsa..2 were nice and we were having a good chat, but one got a bit leary so i got abit leary back in true british fashion, he swung for me giving me a girly slap and just caught my chin, so i stood up at him in his face across the table preparing for a scrap, but his mates defused the situation which is good coz i dont like fighting at all. and kajsa distracted me anyway...shes gorgeous hahaha. But dont worry generally all ozzies are great its just the odd drunken one who thinks because your a pomme they can say anything to you..obviously havent met a pompey fan before haha...bless them
So thats brisbane so far..its had been wild and fun and have met some amazing people, really really cool...i will be honest there isnt alot to do in brisbane... i am strugglling to find a job but i have a few tricks up my sleeve and some options. hopefully i might have a job in a hotel or a gym in a few days if all goes to plan and i get some luck..but i think this past week i have been a bit homesick and starting to miss people from home that i love and just home comforts..not material things but knowing how being at home works and where everything is. I have been abit low this week in amoungst the wild partying and i have needed to kick myslef up the arse abit. I think the finding it hard to get a job thing is on my mind as i will literlaly have to come home in afew months when my money runs outs..dont worry i have some tricks like i said!....but offically to all, my trip will be shorter now and not around the year mark which i am fine with, but i will definatly be doing all i want to do before i do come home..being away a long time i think was a slight over estimation on our part but its been the best thing ever so far and i will be doing all i can to make sure i get the best experiances before i am home.. I have learnt abit about myself already and to be honest i put jeans on for the first time in ages a few days back and they were soo baggy...i have certainly lost weight..should be expected with pasta and a hell of alot of walking. We like a good walk..normally getting lost unintentional walking (all the time). I have to sit down and plan my next few moves now..but i am missing people and alittle bit of homelife.. I hope you are ok and please message me i want to hear how you all are. till my next blog good bye love you all and cant wait to hear from you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Goose Out!!!!
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