Hey everyone welcome to my 2nd brisbane blog and unfortunatly to say my last brisbane blog...the job hunting didnt go to plan...i mean who wouldnt want a tall strapping blonde brittish lad to work for them?...well obviously not any australian manager haha. In all fairness I will be honest...I hardly gave a 100% effort to look for a job...just too laid back having too much fun. But to be honest i am quite looking forward to our next adventure, we are going on seek for yes you know it people....FRUITPICKING!!!!! hehe i am kinda looking forward to the hardwork, it should be an experiance and i think all people who travel have to fruitpick at least for a few days as part of the experiance. The plan was to go out into the rainforest..but there was a wee problem with that..basically whilst we were out there we had to stay in contact with a company called voyages that we had applied for a few jobs...and being out in the rainforest would be like living in tribal conditions which i was quite excited about but it is literally in the middle of the rainforest with no contact with the outside that rained on our voyages job parade.. oh well we still might do it later on in the trip for a few days. But that is the plan...we are going to bunderberg which is north of brisbane..apparently this is the fruitpicking place to we are gonna get our names on the lists for farmers and get some work asap. So thats our next plan...beasting ourselves for pretty good money if you are good...i am looking forward to being worked hard anyway..i have been chillaxing for way too long now.
Right where i left off from the last blog....firstly..i have got over the homesick feeling a little more...i think i was feeling like that because i felt i was wasting time in brisbane and being a tad bored, I still miss home abit though, but on the other hand brisbane has been so much more than i couldve hope for... i have met some awesome people and had some awesome nights...we came to brisbane to find work and set up camp...but all we have done is partied....partied...drunk abit more...drunk abit more...partied...partied and oh yeah drunk abit more. A fair few nights of the week i have rocked back into the hostel at 5am in the morning after spending an awesome night in the clubs or chatting to people and some very special people or person i will miss alot...she knows who she is.
A few days ago..we had a couple of devenshire lads come stay in our room. max and mark..quality lads..from devon but didnt have an accent at all..very funny rugby players indeed and missed them when they left...mark is the man and is apparently the best cuddler in the world and even better at spooning...mark what happens in australia..stays in australia hahahahahaha. Max is a funny lad as well..this man is the poor guy who had sians pink pig on his lap when he was on the will see this in my photos. The lads have left us with a great saying that we keep mentioning......every so often when max was telling a story he would call a mate of his he was talkign about..a silly silly w***er (in a very soft and posh voice with a slight head tilt upwards haha) so that was it we keep saying it funny. Mark your the best spooner in the world and silly silly w***er haha. Would love to bump into them again. Also we met 3 great people called Mel, kerrie and adam..they were from essex or london..couldnt make up their mind haha..but they were cool people..might bump into them again also, we had another bbq at the southbank man made beach and park which was very nice. The coolest thing was all of these people signed my guitar and i got some more cool stickers this week..its is looking great.
St patricks day was great...i coudlnt believe australia celebrate st patricks day so much..they really go all out with every bar making an effort and street parades..very fun....i had a great st patricks night in birdies next to our hostel...met a cool swedish giel called marliene and some very awesome irish guys..shane and tom, the usual crowd were there annibal, russ, sian etc..eas a good night...i drank 4 jugs of cider which they put green food colouring in for the irish effect..was cool...but the 4 jugs which is approximatly 12 pints absolutly mullered me..i was havign so much fun and when russ asked me to play pool..i could bearly hit the white ball i was so drunk....i think that nights i racked up some money on my phone bill calling a few people from home...shouldnt take my phone out when i drink.....the morning after i woke up at 7 and just spewed so much..i havn't been that sick since magaluf...i was so tender for the rest of the day...i never get hangovers no matter how much i drink..must be the weather or something hahahahahaha oops.
We also went to the steve urwin zoo..the australia zoo. took a wee while to get there on the train but was good..we had lots of fun pictures and saw some more amazing animals...russ and sian made some really funny steve urwin type videos pretending to be was really fun..but when i wanted to do mine at the end of the day my camera died so i couldnt do it....i was trying to find a hose pipe or a fake snake in a girf shop and do the usual......THIS IS A REAL LIFE SNAKE video in steve urwin style haha. oh well i might have to do it again..would be so funny. the zoo was great..really well kept and a nice place for animals..usually i feel abit sad for the animals being kept there but they were well kept with amazing places to live and get treated well...the bloody tiger had place with a swimming pool..he looked like he just needed someone feeding it grapes with a toga on the lucky git...i bet if you let that thing into the wild it'll bring is mates back for a pool party haha. The elephants were cool..very big..the giant turtle was great..we saw lots of crocs which are bloody huge and even in the live show when the trainer was getting it to attack for the was still so nervous to watch..they are so scary watching them stalk. a good experiance...the rest of the park was snakes and other things like kangeroos which i got a pic with one...the pic blaightently shows me being a little bit edgy around it as i wasnt sure how it would react with me geting so close but it was fine...just feels like a huge rabbit....also i got to hold a koala bear whish is very cute...i got a picture with it...they cling on for dear life..large claws but very tame animals. Over all it was a really good day out...was very strange to see steve urwin pics and cardboard cut outs all over the park and hearing his voice...i cant imagine it would be nice for his fmaily to walk around the park..its like he has never been gone. There is a small steve urwin fans shrine near the show stadium which was eerie but was nice to see so many people loved him. The weather was crazy though...the heavens just opened when we were there with tropical know how much i love tropical rain so it wasnt a problem, although it was nicer in fiji.
The last big night I have had hear in brisbane has to be one fo the loviest usual we all set out to the a booth betwen about 10 of us and played a round of ring of fire or 4 kings..that went really well and slowly got all pissed. the plan was to go onto more clubs for sians birthday but i got distracted by someone who came out to meet me and before anyone thinks no it wasnt the swedish girl haha. I met this girl very early in my brisbane days here and cannot say her name but we spent all night chatting and laughing, slowly getting more drunk till very early hours of the morning then we went for a walk to sober up abit...i have known this girl for about 2 weeks now have got to know her and had a nice romantic strole in the park nearby which was so lovly and she is amazing..something else i will be gutted to walk away from in brisbane and thats all i will say bout that as i have probably said too much. I then put her in a cab home at 5am then went to bed..another great night where i see the sunrise haha. It has often been the case that i go to bed and wake up to see the same sunlight haha..and breakfast rarely happens before 1pm now haha..i had better calm down abit, I think fruitpicking will change that haha..i am looking forward to the hard graft.
Apart from that I have been to the brisbane museam which was cool, the art galery..spent a few days sunning myself and topping up the tan...the weather has been on and off but very warm and i have had so much fun here in bris and looking forward to catching up with some particular people when we drive back through in our campervan. yay!! apart from that..i leave on a train for bundaderg monday afternoon for fruitpicking duty to work my nuts off for as long as possible to earn as much as possible so i can relax for the rest of the trip and have fun..i have been picking up leaflets for the skydive and bungy jumps and white water rafting i want to do....i am sorry dad and nan i will be safe haha.
No more to report from brisbane..i love this city..i could live here..the people i have met have been ace and even though i didnt find a job its been a very fun time and i will always remember city this as a sort fo home for me in australia where i have some great friends and kinda know my way around abit now. So signing off on my brisbane experiance. Miss you all and keep me updated on everything you all are doing...and so once again...
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