hey hey hey happy campers..thankyou for your moans about me not updating my blog soon enough..glad you are all enjoying them. Sorry it has been a while i havent been too close to the net for long enough to write it but here it is. Right i left you with the best week of my life with the white water rafting and the skydive. On to airlie beach.
Where to start with airlie....easy..that place is my favourite place so far in australia. It might have something to do with 2 different friend groups me and russ have met that all coincidently managed to come to airlie beach at the same was epic. We got to airlie beach about midday, took the shuttle to the hostel which is on the main strip..after waiting for ages to check in, we headed up for our room and as i walked up the stairs i heard a familiar voice from behind me..." I f%cking thought i saw your name on the receptionist register". I turned round to see my mate i met in brisbane...Dan "The iron" Twine haha. Him and the rest of that group were there, lee, andy, carl and jodie all there it was awesome i was so exited to see them all.. after some girly shrieks and some bouncy dancing i headed for the room we were staying yelling out i will see them lot in the bar later tonight.Our room was very cool..big, had eight people in including two friendly girls from the uk in the bunks above me and russ, one of the girls lizzi used to live in portsmouth so had alot of chat with her. The rest of the people were ok..had two crazy mexicans and a weird australian called josh that was boss eyed..i couldnt work out of he was looking at me or not when talking...made the conversation more interesting though i guess. Later that night i headed down into the bar downstairs looking for dan and the gang, also looking for lizi and emily the girls from our room when i saw another familiar was the scouse lad (everton fan) tom from cairns and mission beach sitting on a table talking to two women. i went straight over accusing him of follwoing me as i saw him at a service station a few hours back on different coaches...i had run into this guy far to many times now it was getting unreal..first cairns then mission, the service station and now airlie..its mad. Got chatting to him and the two girls he was talking to and found out they were from southampton..even more this point in just a few hours in airlie beach i have had far too many weird occurances or coincedences to stomach. After getting to know them and chatting to them for a while i noticed dan and the gang were on the table behind so i joined them. after much drinking and catching up with allm myself, dan, the gang, and the other people they were chatting with all left the bar to go to a bar called the koala which was selling 2 for 1 drinks for an hour...we all went with the aim of playing my new favourite drinking game..ring of fire with everyone. We got to the bar...had a fair few drinks then found a huge table for all 20 odd people to sit round. I explained the rules for each type of card and carried on being the ring leader for the whole game making sure all were getting extremily drunk and playing the rules to get them as drunk as possible. Was a great evening and everyone participated and got into it. being the ring leader naturally i got absolutly abused when it came to allocate someone drinks...still think it was alittle unfair to pick on me so much just for being game master but never the less i got steamed by all. One girl called emily who looked like rhianna made a few games rules that i was hopeless at followng and made it her life task for that evening to catch me out when i forgot something so i was being steamed heavily at this point by all angles. All i can remember about that girl was she was british, living in perth, looked alot like rhianna, was alot of fun and succeded at getting me absolutley smashed. After the game the Koala bar had its weekly karaoke night....Oh no..I am gussing those who know me when drunk know whats coming next..yep you guessed it....I had to wait to go on last as i was slow to get my name on the list. what i didnt know was this was actually a competition..sort of a battle of the bands thing. the other acts went on with people dancing in front...everyone having a good old sing song then it was my turn.....I chose the good old singlaong classic 500 miles by the proclaimers. Even before the song had started i had people starting to sing in the crowd with me as i was sounding into the mic...dum dum dum dadada dum dum (the start of that song), without going into the song too much..I rocked i have to say gave a sterling performance and when i finished i got the loudest cheer from the people left in the whole bar to win another 25 bucks worth of all in all was a very succesful venture. The rest of the night consisted of dancing and talking to nice people outside a pizza stand with the others. The next day i went to the beach and ended up chatting to two girls who to my absolute amazment were from portsmouth. I was starting to think this was like the bloody trueman show at this point..all was a tad too freaky. Both ladies joined us out for more shinnagigans that night also. Airlie beach is gorgeous...the town is one long street parallel to the beach but the shops are cool and everythin is so close for anything you need. The lagoon is gorgeous as again we were in north queensland so not allowed to swim in the water because of the stingers. The view is lovly but unfortunatly i lost my phone so those pics have gone. As i said that night we all went out and at the end of the night me a few of the lads went to a bar to watch the chelsea newcastle game which was on live early hours in the morning. it was here i spotted two girls that i recognised from mission beach that i spoke to but didnt really get a chance to get to know as they left. As soon as they saw me they were as excited as i was to see them as i had a little thing for one of the girls named lisa, a cute northern irish red head. She pursuaded me to come out to the club later to meet her. Naturally i didnt let the lady down and we had a nice night dancing and talking till early hours of the morning. Another great night in airlie...I love that place, i loved my company in that place and i had so much fun it was unreal. It was alittle bit of a shame to leave there but i had to move on to hervey bay and it was here me and russ seperated.
The next stop was hervey bay..i wasnt doing fraser island as i wanted to save my money as now i had decided i wanted to go to europe, head down the coast quicker and besides the weather was appaling for the 3 days i would have been on the island so i am not that gutted i missed out although i have heard from others their trip was amazing. hervey bay was...well i will be honest as i have throughout all my blogs..beautiful but bloody boring...noone there...nothing to do and the only people that stay there are people that are going to fraser it was pissing it down with rain. I had 2 nights booked but i jacked the 2nd nght in and left for noosa quick sharp the next day. But i did have a good night with a group of people i met in the bar that night..just stayed up chatting and talking music, taking the piss and when i decided to go to bed i got stopped talking to a danish girl called denise in front of her room..we got talking about a music and i got my guitar and we played songs for a few hours just chatting it was nice..she was a singer. it was one of those really cool spontanious moments that came out of nowhere. After that i went to bed and left very early the next morning on the greyhound bus.
Noosa.....I really liked noosa was a small place with a nice beach that had some pretty big surf..couldv learnt to surf there if i had more time. The best part about noosa was the hostel i stayed in, Chillout noosa hostel wasnt really a hostel it was more like someones house that a group of people were looking after for the weekend. it had a large room down stairs, a few double bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, dining room and lounge area like a house and an outside decking on the side of the house for BBQ's eating outside. I loved it, it was like a taste of home...the owner nick was a really cool guy that just leaves you to it at night. And at night was where the fun began. The first night i was there everyone just chilled out and when i say everyone i mean some really cool people that i met there, like the swedish guys, michael and oscar (oscar was a human jukebox on the gutiar, he could play anything), big scottish dave, ozzie mike, the german girl yana who changed her name to jane for the english benifit haha and a few lads from the channel islands. We stayed up late playing song on my guitar just chilling having a go then oscar having a go. It was exactly what i needed after a hectic week. The next day i simply chilled by the beach and when i returned we had 2 more german girls and 3 more english and dave were dead happy with that haha, as you can imagine. That night me and dave decided we would have a BBQ with everyone on the outside decking and play drinking games...yep another round of the infamous mark corben ring of fire special...a good night was ahead of us. And yes a good night we had of eating, drinking, playing guitar and playing ring of way of course. The night ended with me and oscar playing more guitar chilling out to everyone else who had either gone to bed or was drunk on the decking. Another great night in noosa. Made a really cool friend there, big dave the scottish guy who has cerebral palsy and was an absolute legend...great guy, great sense of humour and he named me MACGOOSE for when i go to scotland one day...he has dared me to book my next hostel under mr macgoose haha. Love that guy and will definatly be staying touch with him...that man is a class act indeed. The next day i left, i was picked up by the wonderful maddy as she was passing through noosa on her way back to brisbane.
It is with mitch and maddy i am staying in brisbane for near on a week now. I spent all of easter weekend with them going out and having a good time in a really cool little club that played salsa music. I spent good friday with mitch's family who were having a large BBQ and we were playing drinking games and sports games from about noon. I have to admit i started to get very drunk by lunchtime and had to slow down, so i was fine the next day, I had alot of fun that day meeting mitchs family and friends, they were all great. The next day we went to the local rugby game at the local stadium and watched the tigers win..which was really good..i have actually got quite into rugby since i have been over here. In the time i have been in brisbane i also had dinner at maddy's parents house who were also lovly and made me feel very welcome and this week i have eaten like a king, between maddy and her mum i have eaten the healthiest i have ever eaten, it beats apples and 2 minute noodles these days easily haha. I have really been spoilt by mitch and maddy this week who have looked after me and i cannot express enough gratitude towards them. I am so appreciative and have told them when i am up and running again at home and when they visit the Uk, they have place to stay at mine for free and i will be only happy to put them up. I love those guys. They are moving flat this weekend so i am staying on a few more days to help them out as much as i can. If you are reading this moose and the tank..thankyou very much again for everything and look forward to you coming to sunny england (well maybe not sunny, sorry guys, bring a jumper haha).
But that brings me up to date now, i have been planning my next few moves and what i can afford for my homeward journey and my europe part of my trip so i am just chilling out in brisbane for the next few days. A few people i am looking forward to seeing again are coming to brisbane tomorrow so i am happy about that before i move on to surfers paradise and byron bay before heading back to sydney. For all those people that keep asking me if i am ok on my own...I am abslutely fine on my own..made many more friends on my recent destinations and having a blast. I love travelling on my own, i spoke to russ a few days back he is fine but i love traveling on my own freedom and i am really looking forward to the rest of my trip. I dont want to jinx myself but i have been totally safe and i will keep my wits about me on my not worry i am very happy. As i am now not working over here my trip is shorter in australia and as i will have done everything i wanted to do with my own money, i will be home late may or early june depending on how long i stay in europe. I cant wait to get back and play with the footie lads and see friends and family..missing you alot now and as much as i am having the best time of my life, i do miss home but dont worry i wont be coming back until i have done absolutelyeverything i want to do that i can do. At least i will be home for british summer. And for the record I want chelsea to beat manchester united in the final of the champions league with christiano ronaldo to miss the penalty in a shootout this time. sorry guys. haha
Once again...sorry for the long blog, i havent done much except party and chillout but there you have it.. I am having fun and would like to hear how you lot are doing..keep me updated. Miss you and love you all
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