I got up early and lay in the hammock with coffee from Belize to watch the sun rise above the mountains and reflect on the Venezuelan experience.
Some statistics suggest that Venezuela has the highest crime and Caracas the highest murder rate in the world. What makes Venezuela particulary scary for most travellers is the police corruption, you seem to be just as likely to be a victim at the hands of the police than the people.
The fear of crime has affected our experience of Venezuela and for that reason we would be relieved when we finally step into the relative safety of Columbia. We both feel that although Venezuela has that spectrum of evil element we would not have wished to miss it out. Angel Falls and the adventure getting to and from the coast have been the highlights (so far). Venezuela has been about the experience, such as the tension you feel going through the slums in Caracas and the relief when you make it through.
The people have been very variable. They can are very sultry and sometimes short but they seem to be like that normally to strangers. They take a little while to warm up and when they do can be warm and generous (a bit like England). I don't know of any other country where I have been given so many gifts and hugs.
Venezuelans are litter bugs, they don't think twice about chucking everything on the floor whether it is the beach or countryside. Strangely the litter is not as bad as some places I have been mainly due to Venezuela having poor people collecting cans and others assigned to clearing up the mess.
The national parks however are highly protected, construction of any kind is almost non existant. The only way to see Angel Falls for example is to sleep in a hammock whilst on the tepuis any human waste has to be packed out (even Antarctica doesn't have this much protection).
Venezuela is a land of contrasts, massive wealth from the oil rubs alongside abject poverty. You see some of the worst buses anywhere in the world (Inc India and Africa) but also some of the most luxurious. Numerous 80's American cars will be parked up against the latest 4x4's.
The diversity of the landscape: massive mountains, rainforest, deltas, desserts, savanahs and tropical beaches matches the diversity of the wildlife living there.
Tomorrow we do the final main thing on the wish list here. We have cut down the time in Venezuela as much as possible but we are hoping that the next three days are going to be special.
After Merida there will be a final long push to the border of Columbia and beyond. Apart from the hot zones where FARC operate Columbia is far safer than Venezuela nowadays, it has become safer whilst Venezuela has gone in the opposite direction.
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