Not again - went down to the road to pick up some free WiFi from next door when a local anounced that a hurricane expected to get to category 3 or possibly 4 is currently heading towards us. A quick look on the Internet indicated that Tomas was the beast but too far away to predict where it is going.
The day was all about Halloween however. The locals had been getting places ready for numerous parties. Liz got into the spirit going down to the shop to buy some sweets for all the locals kids dressed up. I spent my time eating the sweets - havn't had many sweets on our travels. There was a lot of aaahhs as she gave out the sweets.
Later on we joined captain Steve, first hand Charlie and the Aussie girls at the bench for some drinks. It soon turned interesting as numerous Rasta locals joined us, luckily we had the small camera with us to capture the madness (think serious dance off but with me being as unserious as possible).
We then headed down to the Lazy Lizard at the split. Lots of dancing and people jumping in the water. A good day.
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