6th-8th April Bhopal - Bhimbetka
Overnight train brings us down to Madhya Pradesh Bhimbetka, Although we had stay some 40km away in the nearest town of Bhopal. Very few tourist stop here so we got a few funny looks as we disembarked at the station...
The purpose of this visit was the rock shelters only discovered in the 1950's set in a secreted forest where they found cave paintings datings back 12,00yrs and in marvelous condition.You could clearly see hunting scenes, bears tigers,bison and religous scenes The main shelter described strangely as the zoo shows 3 generations of paintings, Identified by the type an colouring of the drawings. We were allowed to visit only 9 of 60 shelters found in the hills.
This amazing place was well worth the long journey to get here... look in for photo's
Next Stop: Kahna National Park....
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