I told you I would be updating a bit more about what I am roughly planning to do those weeks in Australia. My days will be full, but that's fine as I am travelling alone, so I can do it how I like it, which is a lot every day ;)
I'll be in Sydney from december 24th till january second. I hope I can catch some christmas spirit those first days, although I have no idea what to do on christmas. Going to the beach of course for a picture with my Santa hat, but what else, no idea so far. December 26th is boxing day, and I am told there'll be a boat race in the harbour of Sydney. Plus, I'd like to see something of the city too, and a cliffwalk along the coast is on the list too. Then, I have planned one day walking in the Blue Mountains, two days of surfing, NYE on a great spot to watch the fireworks, I think I won't be bored in Sydney this week.
On january 2nd I have to get up very early to take a flight to Brisbane. First I planned on going to the tennis two days, but I think I just go there one day, because I'd love to spend one day at Stradbroke Island too, to cycle around and enjoy the beaches there. Also I need to hug a koala one of those days in the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary (jep, still in 2013 I like to get and give hugs hehe). That leaves me one other day, and I am not sure if I'll spend that at the tennis, or sightseeing in the city.
Saturday January 5th I have a flight back to Sydney, because there's some tennis to visit too. And two of my favourite tennisplayers will be there, Verdasco and Lopez, so like a good girl, I am going 3 days to this tournament. No time to sightsee in the city this time so I better prepare for Melbourne already.
From Sydney (on january 9) I'll join a 3 day tour, with an international group, to Melbourne. We're going to Canberra, the Snowy Mountains, Mount Kosciuszko (highest mountain of Australia), Gippsland Lakes and Wilsons promontory national Park. The tour ends on day 3 in the evening in Melbourne.
And from then on, friday evening january 11th, I'll spend 10 days in Melbourne. Of course for the whole first week Australian Open and one day in Kooyong, the place where the AO originally began. On the very early morning of january 22nd, I am on the road again with another tour, this time heading to the Great Ocean Road (see picture, looking forward so much to see this, one of my favourite things to see, I think, during this trip :)))), Great Otway National Park (walking in the tops of the trees), the Grampians Mountains and we'll learn about the Aboriginals before returning to Melbourne on the evening of friday january 24th.
January 25th and 26th are still open, though I hope to go one day to Philipp Island, to watch the wildlife and the penguins and to go to the beach one more time. It will be the last chance, as I hope to attend the mens final of the Australian Open as well on january 27th..
I have a flight on january 28th back to Sydney in the morning, and then my flight home in the afternoon. I probably need some weeks to recover from this trip, but hey, I need to enjoy every single minute and I am pretty sure I will. How do you look at it? Looks great no? :))
- comments
john halder good lord how many thousands of euroes will that cost
Gerdien asdfghjkl als je het zo leest klinkt het wel heeeuuullll errug vet!!! :D
Mariskaatje @ John: I have been saving many months for it, so it doesn't matter how much it will cost. Of course it's expensive, but hey, you gotta enjoy life if you can! @Gerdien: Jaaaaaaaaa ik sta er zelf ook van te kijken als ik het zo lees haha, maar het is toch echt waar, heb vandaag de penguïnnetjes erbij geboekt :)