We did escape the concrete jungle of Waiki; with its prada and gucci shops and Japense tourists and settlers it would be easy to think you had got on the wrong plane! Everyday we made the most of exploring the island to find true paradise...and we did find it!
Sights of Beauty
Hunama Bay - We went snorkling at the bay above. A protected beautiful coral reef with a stunning bay and green mountainous surrounds! Great day only spoilt by being hung over in 80 degrees of heat; not good when your head is spinning and the waves are bobbing you up and down!
Waimea Bay - North Shore. This is the place where all the pro surfers ride up to 50 foot waves, wooow dude! But it's not the season for them which was disappointing so we didn't get to see any scenses out of Point Break! The bays current was still extremely forceful and although there might have only been little waves, I for one got wiped out on several occasions. I was washed up on the shore plenty of times. Trust me it hurts, like being rubbed against sand paper aaawwwww! Covered in sand head to toe, I had a sand nappy at one point yukkk!!! Pete said I looked like a whale being washed up on the shore! Charming!
We also went rock jumping and caving! One of the hostel workers told us about this cave, he said it has a hole in the top of it, you jump in and then a wave wash you out of the cave. Sounds like fun we thought, well our lifes flashed before us no sooner did we enter the cave when this huge wave came and knocked everyone down, spinning us and hurling us around. Like being in a washing machine, being sucked under, there were bodies everywhere being crashed against the rocks. When it eventually simmered and we could come up for air we made a mad dash for the enterance but times it wrong and got wiped and dragged back under. Very scary, you had to time the breaks in the waves right so that you could swim out without being sucked back in. By the time I got out my bikini top had dissappeared. Pete saw a lot more than he bargained for, but to be honest I didn't care I was so concerned about getting out of the cave than being bare! After the hostel worker said he had never seen waves that huge in the cave or so forceful. Typical, I got a war wound a nice graze on my PASCALL nose. But its all part of the experience and I have ticked the cave box off our list!
Other activities included swimming in waterfalls, mopeds, kayaking. We took a kayaking tour, you should have seen us it was like something out of a comedy sketch. We went with two Australians who happended to be superb athletes, they were like Olypmic rowers, smooth schronised and fast. Whilst we were lets just say getting no where fast. Of course Peter said he was great and actually compared himself to a VIKING. Say no more, he obviously blamed our poor performance all on me, saying that I had no paddle control and was splashing water all over him. What he didn't know was that I was splashing water over him on purpose he he he! We then headed to Lanaki beach, with its crystal clear aqua water, soft white sand, pure paradise!
Hawaii in a nut shell:
-Paradise in hiding! - Amazing I fell in love with the mountainous terrain, laced in a lush green velvet of plants and trees - Breath taking! The hidden sandy coves so soft massaging your feet as sunk below the surface. Crystal clear aqua waters caressing the shore awakening the sleeping sand to sparkle in the sun.
-Hostel Chos! We will remember the crazy people we met at the hostel, they all had amazing stories to tell; made our little adventure sound like something a 2 year old would do! I think that it the best part about our travels so far, meeting weird and wonderful people from all different nationalities and backgrounds. We even got offered jobs at the hostel which believe was very tempting!
-Ron Artis - One inspiring experience that I will never forget was meeting the Ron Artis family band, made up of 13 family members age from 11 up. All the children can play every instrument, and trust me there was nothing amateur about this family. Fantastic musicians, artists and people. They performed everyday in their music studio and were home tutored, I was a bit sceptical at first becuase their life style was so alternative and different, but the way they converesd with me and engaged I truly beliefed they loved what they were doing and inspired me to follow my dreams! ah ah If you ever go to the North Shore this group is a must, you can see them on you tube check them out!
We will miss Hawaii, will definately be back again some day to explore the other Islands and would love to see the mega waves on the north shore!
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