14.09.09 -23.09.09 Aloha People!
We are now in tropical Hawaii; lush green mountains, swaying palm tress and Marie aka Pokahontas sipping cocktails with flowers in her hair! he he he
Well initial impressions were shock horror as we stepped foot on Oahu soil, as the bus shuttle drew closer to Waiki centre a strange symetery of being in the Cost de Sol of Spain was realised. Sky scrapers and hotels stretch across the shore line, our ideals of a the perfect island were dashed by the sight of the concrete jungle before us...arggghhh! Oh dear not what we had in mind, but not judge a book by it's cover we were determined to find the real beauty that lies within; the island's true beauty that millions of people worldwide flock to see each year!
Sure enough the next day we went to explore... first stop Diamond Head; a three hour hike from the hostel, over 600 feet above sea level. The climb was tortorous but the effort was worth the reward. Stunning views of Waikii isouth shore, crater and it's lush green mountainous terrain. Lots of Hawaii to discover and explore.
Well we finally feel like we are travelling, roughing it the Polynesian Hostel; basic amenties, staff so laid back and happy that you were think they were the ones on holiday! Oh and of course every hostel experience would not be the same without the bed bugs...and yes Peter got bite, 4 bugs in all in his bed..yuk I'm itching now just thinking about it. But the bed bugs did the trick as we were moved into the Luxury studio for 2 nights free of charge! Lovin It!...But back to the bed bugs nows, a little liquor goes a long way when your sleeping with bed bugs!
To be continued
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