If you get a chance on your way south, or on the way back up to Paris, check out some of the chateaux around the River Loire and/or the Dordogne River. Dordogne has the oldest known drawings and paintings done by man, and the river and cliff scenery is beautiful. Palace of Versailles in Paris is fabulous, but there are so many things worth seeing!
Brenda B
What a great - wet!!!! time you are having! Sun glistening on 'diamond dew' pasture here; 5 black cygnets down to 4 (shame!); Fragrant bonfire smoke curling up into blue sky - this is countryside England! Go well - I am enjoying your trip!
Marcus Taylor
Heading south to Portugal...Paris for Christmas and New Years
Are you going on down along the coast to portugal, or heading east?
Absolutely incredible pics Marcus. Thanks for allowing us to take this journey with you. France looks awesome. Beautiful memorial at Normandy. Sobering when you think of the sacrifice and see the numbers of those who died there. God please watch over our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan who are in harms way right now!
Haven't you watch crocadile dundee? Thats not a tub..."Its for washing your back side ya dobey!" fuuuuuuny pic
As far as a name for the bike...I like mom's "Sparks." I'll think of a submission soon.
Marcus Taylor
Ah yeah what he said
Vous parlez la francis? Peut-etre bientot. Plus tard mon frere Marcus. Bonne chance.
I should have had my French friend Fanny teach you some Frrench before you left! She worked wonders with Bowen & Walker when they were 10 & 12! Good luck!
Hey you must be working on the sight, I just checked back in the blog and there behold was a new entry. Have a great night.