Question for you???? So how quick are you at taking off all that fancy equipment when you got to GOOOO? Or do you use depends?
Hey mate. Still keeping an eye on you. I'm guessing you're trying to get around the whole of Europe in a few months and then you're going to go back to your favourite places?? I can't keep up with the photos but the blog's great. You're a happy snapper! Anyway, good to see you're having fun. Still jealous about your motorbike
You look so handsome in your big muscle jacket!! Watch out for the poop!
Thanks for all the messages guys. If you know of anything to see in the Northwest of spain let me know
Boy you've put some miles on this week!
Dr. Rowes mom lives on the Portugal, Spain border, and I tried to get you some places of interest, but aparently she doesn't get out much, sorry but I did try.
Saintes looks like how I imagined France to look
I can't believe anyone would turn you down on your offer to do the dishes! You know that will never happen at Folly Beach! Also, your cold,wet, feet remind me of our family oystering experiences many years ago before the docks at the landing, during which my feet were cold and wet prior to leaving Folly Beach landing...ugh!!
We missed you on Thanksgiving!!
Lots of love,
There is still no spike on the helmet. That is so uncool!
Glad that you are making strides all over the place...but what about slowing down and smell the FRESH AIR... you are going to fast. Anyway hope that you are having a great time missed you for Thanksgiving. Bradley and I broke some of our records on the Turkey day run. Later
Eliane Lavandon
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for your message on my couchsurfing site. Hope everything is OK for you! Be careful on the road ! I am actually preparing our trip to Japan in January; we will try , as you, to sleep in japanese families. Here is Marianne' e-mail : [email protected]
She was very pleased to receive you; she even thanks me for that!
Take care! Eliane
Asserson, Bo And Meme
for someone who is using a different set of typewriter keys, you sure are long winded !!!!
anyway, turkey day here was charactized by everyone eating a plate for you in addition to one for themselves resulting in a group of very slowly moving, somnolent people for the rest of the day.
we continue to catch red drum in record numbers at our newlly found "hole" in the marsh at the end of folly. yesterday, meme, claire and i caught 6 in about two hours; most of them in a very small area( about 3' x 3') !!!! its incredible!!!
brendall and his parents are coming here for dinner tonight.
behave yourself,
bo and meme
Hi Marcus. Here with Mom for Thanksgiving...just want you to know we are thinking about you. Hope you got a drumstick for Turkeyday. love Tim & Mom.