Just a quick one to say we leave Bondi today (Stu there's a Rip Curl shop here looking for a manager if you're interested). Just gopt back froma walk along the beach with Mand. Surfers, sunshine, sand and a school of dolphins frollicking in the surf. It's not all bad thius travelling lark.
Anyhoo, take care all
love you all loads
Big Sis
Well lads, like Stuey and kate words fail me too!!!! Its bloody funny though and Neil.love no-body likes a moody Neil for long!!!!!!
Thank you both for the postcard, Ken is carying it around and looking at it all the time!! Constant question being 'when is Johnny home then?'!! Think he misses his sunday evening teas, love, cause Neil he dont mention you !!!!!! Well as you know all he thinks about is his belly so dont be too upset ok!
Take care hope you finally get back to Mandy.......love to you all
Stuey & Katie
Words fail us fella's!
Neil & Johnny
Just a quick update on our thailand adventure/faux pass. Johnny didn't want to fly the day he was supposed to so i agreed to change my flight so we could fly together. The next day was a public firkin holiday in Thailand so we couldn't get tickets anywhere. went to the airport and it was all booked up flight wise. At this point i realised that my oz visa was going to run out the following day. Johnny then had to shell out 700 quid for two new flights for a minute......
Things got better when it turned out that Johnny was able to change his ticket and only pay 15 quid. Great success all round. Then we went to STA travel and they sold me a ticket for (well Johnny technically) for 300 quid.
Got to the airport the morning my visa ran out (albeit still pissed after one hour's sleep) and and were promptly told to f*** off by the lovely thai lady at check in. The reason? Apparently my visa says i have to be in oz BY the third of May. Not ON the third of May. f***in dingo blaming convicts can't do anything simply.
So, back to Bangkok feeling all sorry for myself (for his part Johnny was pretty happy about missing the flight - mainly so he could go back to bed).
The lovely lady at the embassy told me i could re apply for my visa and then i'd be able to fly the same day. The trouble is, no-one told the people at STA travel who wouldn't let me book my ticket without one. However after a phone call to the embassy yesterday they have promised me faithfully that it will be here monday by mid day at the latest.
The lovely lady at STA then reserved us seats and we just had to pay another 15 quid each (i say we, i mean Johnny) to change our flights yet again. Shabba!
Throughout all of this, mandy saw the funny side and was really happy about the whole ordeal. Or not. Seeing as my original ten day stay has now kept me away from her for 3 weeks.
But never mind, it's all sorted, despite the most stressful week of my life and we now have another three days to relax. Beautiful.
ps johnny's footnote! anyone ever seen neiler stressed? had to leave the moody boy alone for a day as he had a strange "want to kill me" look in his eyes! Moaning that mandy would kill him etc! Then he decides to get some dysentry type illness for a few days that made my drinking sessions a little boaring! Despite constant reassurances of "what's up mush, you worry too much!" he failed to see the funny side, and for some reason thought it was all my fault! My fault, how!? He's ok now, had some soup for breakfast and just wants a cuddle off Mandy! ahhhhhhh
Stuey & Katie
Hey kids!
Just wanted to say thanks for the birthday card and keyring! You boys amaze me, we haven't done cards for ever and forget s*** all the time (until Mand & Katie came along!), and now you send a card from bloody Thailand it its only a day late...top drawer fellas!
Anyhoo, all good here, we've had a week off and are feathering the nest in readiness! Heard the heartbeat yesterday and its kicking like Molby! Oh yeah and the bloke in the bathstore said we are having a boy no doubt?? Sorry bruv, you'll have to rethink coming to our daughters sleepovers in 16 years!
Good to speak to you boys the other day, its been too long between phonecalls...our fault predominantly. Promise to give you all a bell when youre all back in Melbourne. Just let us know when you are?
Trubs, sorry my email made you cry, you shouldn't have dropped the laptop on your foot!!
Love you all more than the thought of hiring a nappy changer?!?!
sorry that last message is from me hahahah im a goon
Sorry havent written in a bit, got my own flat (no crazy people this time ) , (rented) at last and its right near the woodpeacker woop woo, not far to stagger hahah,
All so got the parents living on my spare room for a few weeks while they wait for there moving in date to therer new house, they are a night mere!!!,
Sounds like your stil having fun , But also like your missing home abit now?? Do you know when your coming home yet???
Chat soon
Love ya xxxxx
Big Sis
Hi Mandy Thanks for putting my mind at rest!!! All i can say is lucy lady boys?!! They best leave off the whiskey buckets!! When does your peace get shattered? Have fun love send all my love and best wishes.
Hey Julie,
don't worry, I spoke to the pair of them yesterday and the only encounters with lady boys have been purely voluntary. Glad you're all well your end. Speek soon
xxx Mand
Big Sis
Nice to see you are having a bloody good week with Johnny as you obviously haven't been sober long enough to check/reply to messages!!!! Good for you two!! Hope to hear from you soon just to know all is well and your not being held hostage and used as sex slaves by some really twisted lady boys!!!
love to you all
Big Sis
Hi love Glad Johnny made it over in one piece and got through the 40min turbulence in tact too!!!! well done Johnny all you need is to make the flight back!!!
Thats ok bout gift glad you liked it and hope i helped towards the new hotel/piss up/ meal!!!!!!! Sorry it couldnt be more but then again need to start saving for the IOU party upon your return to our humble shores!!!!
Any more encounters with ladyboys we want PICTURES.....you bloody english no understand????? (said in best a chinese accent that i could do!!)
Mand.....know alll about early morning calls from loved ones away pissed, missing there friends or ship or you in what ever order you want!! Sorry love goes hand in hand with the whole relationship thing!! Here's to a safe reunion and better nights sleep!
Ken and me escaped all coughs etc thank goodness!
Majorca girl that stayed got a tattoo done after all!!!! On her back...the tat!.......and not a small one either!!! she showed us the night before she went and we are still awaiting the phone call from the parents but so far so good!!!! She back in September for college so hopefully she can hide it till then!
Dad and your mum are all ok ....not seeen them for a while but have spoken on the phone a few times. Things have been pretty hectic here as danny's good freiend he was in the navy with passed away last week. We been with his wife and kids helping with the arrangements stc and the funeral is monday...only 46 and Danny said too close to our own age for comfort! Puts the most important things into perspective and makes you take stock of your own life! Oh well life goes on and enough of the depressing stuff!!
Will write again soon have fun with slim boy fat and dont have too many of those whiskey buckets.......on the pther hand sod it you're on holiday have as many as you can!!!!!!!
Yes indeed, me and the fat bloke are living it large in Bangkok. Already hit a ladyboy bar with some random fat Aussie bloke. We lasted about three minutes before Johnny pulled one and took her/him/it home. Only kidding. We were forced to run for our lives after one of them took a real shine to Johnny. Let’s just say pale scared and wide eyed sums up the experience.
Ahh. Bangkok. A few of the things I’ve forgotten. The smell that you can stand on. The heat that always catches you by surprise. The feeling that you always need as***, even when you’ve just had your fourteenth of the day and it’s only 11 o’clock in the morning.
Got ridiculously smashed on Sang Som and red Bull the first night (well second in theory) and have felt decidedly dodgy since. Beautiful.
Had to change hotels because the staff took a real dislike to us (something to do with Johnny running around the foyer in his boxer shorts at four in the morning – I s*** you not) but now we’re into a better one that’s actually cheaper. So f*** ‘em.
Not much else to report really. Going down to Koh Pa Ngang on Friday to meet up with Terry Orange (for those of you that know him) but other than that we haven’t got a clue what we’re up to.
And now for the personals.
Mand – you know I love you the most. That’s the real reason I phoned you at 2.30 am. See you in ten days beautiful xxxxxxxxxxxx
Big Sis – Thankyou for the present. You shouldn’t have, but thanks a million. We dedicated our first beer to you and our first whiskey bucket. Can’t wait to get back and claim the IOU A Party. Love you hun xxxxxxxxxxxx
Stubert – the trick is to write it in Word and then copy and paste it over. I learned that the third time I lost a two hour postcard. Why the f*** I didn’t learn it after the first time is beyond me. Incidentally, I know I haven’t put one on for firkin ages and I promise there is one coming. It’s 6 pissing pages long at the mo and I’m only half done. A bit of a re-write might be in order methinks. Love you guys more than I love watching Johnny nearly pass out every time we leave an air con bar and step back into the ridiculous heat xxxxxxxxxxx
Everyone else – where in the hell are you all? Losers! Xxxxxxxxx