there's two new postcards on if anyone gives a flying f***
Big Sis
Hi to you both......Well Mandy NZ sounds bloody great and if there was anywhere i like to visit that be the place....lucky cow!!!!! Send loads of pics for me as ill prob never get to see it first hand. How long you planning to stay out there for and are you then following Neil home? Whatever your plans have a brill time and stay safe on those mountains!! Loves you lots and miss you more xxxx
Neil and Johnny.......whats up with you 2? Cant handle being away without Mandy? Seriously will be lovely to see you both again and hope you have good flight least you have each other to keep company!
Danny needs his op but needs to go back on the 19th July and hope to get the date for it then.
Felt like a Dallas scene in our lives at the mo!!!! The thought of Danny or Patrick Duffy in shower not doing anything for the stomach this side of breakfast!!!! Turns out he now has a daughter he never knew about too.....very long and complicated will fill you in in person!!!
Congrats to Stu and Kate on safe delivery of baby Jack! Know i dont personally know you all but feel like i do to some extent after reading all the messages!! Life has just begun.....enjoy this time with Jack all changes when they can walk, talk and nick the car!!!!!!
Have safe jouney home and ring once you are and ill pop in and see you. Johnny Ken will be so pleased to see you mate......he has missed you so much and asks every sunday tea time if your back! NOt been over for tea since you left but his choice as you not there!! AAAAHHHHH!!!
Love to you all see you soon
Hi all
Well, what's to say?
Mand has left me for pastures new and it looks fantastic over there. Me and Johnny are working on a plan to get ourselves back to Blighty in the next few weeks. Could be as little as four or as many as five. So Stu if you wanna hold off the bay's head wetting feel free! If not we'll have another one when we get back. Congratulations again bruv. Jack looks beautiful. Kate you're an absolute legend cos I don't reckon that beauty is from stu. Love you three to bits and will definitely see you soon xxxxxxxxx
Big Sis: Sounds like you're living an episode form Dallas. Are you sure you're not going to wake while Danny's in the shower? It's good to know its all turned out good though, even if it must've all been a bit crazy to get your head round.
Hope Danny's feeling better. Any news on whether or not he'll need an operation? Let me know.
Until then, take care, see you soon xxxxxxx
Stuey & Katie
Hey Trubs!
Lovely to speak to you the other day hun, hope you get sorted in NZ in double quick time and have a blast! Your Mum and Dad have just been in with a pressie bless them! Jack's got his first hoody...hope it doesn't lead to his first ASBO!
Love you loads mate
Speak soon
Us 3!
Congratulations to Stuey and Katie on the birth of there beautiful baby boy jack xxx Wishing you all the best. xxxx
Hi Everybody,
so here I am in New Zealand and i have to tell you it is BEAUTIFUL! The place i'm staying in is called Wanaka and it's a really small town on the South Island. It's actually called Lake Wanaka as there is a massive lake here funnily enoug, and it's surrounded by mountains. I arrived yesturaday so i haven't been up to the mountains yet but i'll let you know as soon as i do. I have to buy ski boots helmet, goggles and wrist guards first. I also have to have a pass for the mountain which will cost about $1100NZD!!
There are two main Mountains here, Trebble Cone, where Rhian has her pass for and Cardrona, where i'm going to get a pass for. No me and Rhian haven't fallen out already it's just that the passes for TC are twice as much as those for Cardrona, and besides everybody else that i've met here besides Rhi and two others all have passes for Cardrona so i think i'll just go there.
I have already got an interview for tomorrow which isn't bad going seen as though i only got here yesturday afternoon. It's for a bar in town called Woody's which looks really nice. Besically after hearing a story of how a guy who works there has just broken his arm on the baby slope I figured his job must be up for grabs so i headed round there. It seems like getting a job shouldn't be too hard. Fingers crossed. But houses are definately in short supply.
I'm staying in town with a lady called Shelly and her 15yr old daughter who i haven't met yet. The room is nice and there's a log fire in the living room so it's nice and toasty.
So thats about it for now.
Remember to email me people and let me know what you're up to.
Love you all more than Rhi loves organising my days xxxx
Big Sis
Hi to you all sorry its been a while since i last excuses.....just been so busy!
Whats new? Hopeall is well with it here now but got bit hairy for the last few weeks!
Long story but Danny's mum's step father in law i guess! Well after the break down of his 1st marriage 35+ years ago the son from that marriage went off and lived with his mother. Aout 10yrs after that Lionel....father in law ......was told that said son had been killed in car accident! As he had no idea how to trace ex couldn't confirm it so has mourned for his son all this time. well 2 weeks ago Gina...motherin law.....went into her Genes Reunited site and saw message from last August from a Guy Kinder asking if her husbnd was his dad!!!!!!! Welll turns out yes it is and he hadnt been killed at all and lives in Scotland with wife and 2 kids!!!
You thought our family was complicated!!!!!!!!!! Great though ....Guy been down to visit and was all very emotional!
Danny been in hospital....he got what is called a fistula in his neck........abornmal passage from one organ to another or organ to skin surface! Latter what Danny was born with! He has a tube runs from right tonsil to out side of neck! for 44 years not given any hassel now started to get inflammed and pusy! They have to operate and cut right side of neck to remove tube and right tonsil....not sure when but will be when infection gone i guess. He got discharged today so can catch up here at home!!
Everyone else is well except usual coughs etc.
will write again soon love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey you three,
was sooooo good speaking with you the other day. Glad to hear things are good with you. Not so good to hear your not having a very restfull maternity. When will all the work stop? I hope you have some nice quiet time before the little un arrives.
For anyone who hasn't get a facebook account they are cool.
Check you later
Hi to Craig and Ange
Stuey & Katie
Hey kids!
Just wanted to 'drop you a line' and let you know what has been 'going down' back here! (Notice how my clever use of language indicates my ability to remain youthful and in touch with the kids of today?#@*)
Anyhoo, we're all fine. Tone's off to the IOW festival this weekend with Hoops and Steve etc, lucky gits. I can't believe I dip out for the first time in 5 years cos we 'might' have a baby...unfair eh?! Laura is fine and has taken up haberdashery? She has made some tops and recently a set of cushions which look wicked!
We're currently having the bathroom and garden ripped out which is a bit of a mare and not particularly condusive to a restfull maternity according to the midwife...oooopps!
We have 4, count em, 4 weeks to the due date and apparently the baby is already half engaged which is a little daunting but exciting at the same time! We have bought a camcorder to record the growth of our child, (and not the birth you'll be pleased to know), but the plan is to send you kids a little video diary when the baby is here! Watch this space!
Hope you guys are cool and the gang?
Speak soon
Love you three loads
Hi all
If you check the blogs you'll see there are three (count em three) new postcards on there. I am going to catch the whole firkin lot up in the next couple of weeks, i promise.
I'll also try and answer the messages everyone keeps leaving, and even the 52000 emails i have waiting in my inbox.
Love you all loads
I dunno where this sudden burst of enthusiasm has come from, but don't knock it eh?
Some of you might even get phone calls...imagine that!
Big Sis
Hi to you all!
Glad to hear that Mandy going off for little trip away.....have fun love and dont break anything on those ski slopes!!
Hope the job hunting is going well Neil and that you get something you will enjoy doing this time! Hoope you're having fun with Johnny and still enjoying some time with him too.
Had avery eventfull few days .......Bex turned 21 and her and Aaron got engaged! It was all done very properly and he came to ask Danny and me on Thursday evening....took the lad till half 12 to finally pluck up the courage to ask though!!!!!! We had a party here yesterday with all the family.......some of his side came down too....Raj was here with his 2 boys and it was really nice to catch up on his life thus far! Craig and Ange were here and despite carig trying to say she starting to look podge she looked very well and as trim as ever!!!!
Dad turned into Mr Kipling and baked more cakes then ever and everyone was quite impressed with his efforts and they all went down well...the cakes that is!!
She having big boozy party next saturday in the senior rates mess at HMS Nelson so will start all over again next weekend too!!!
Looking around all the mess and decided to write to you before tackling it all. Danny still in bed with hang over and ive got to get this work done before a funeral of one of my residents. Its our wedding anniversary today ...24 years.....big party next year love hope your here fir then to help celebrate!!
Well thats all for now hope you keep well and safe. Love to you both and johnny too
so the boys are FINALLY back from there 10 day holiday one MONTH later. Neil has been job hunting since he got back and starts work at a restaurant on Saturday.
Had fun when Rhian came down and have decided to go and work a ski season with her in a little place called Wanaka in New Zealand whilst Neil saves up some cash.
Hope you're all well.
Love you more than Johnny loves not being in Bondi anymore xxx
Laters x Mand
well i guess that answers the quetion about whether you are back in oz yet
are you heading back to melbourne for a while or have you left there now?
not much news here, everything is going well. looking forward to some more photos soon.