the count down is on. i leave in 5 weeks this saturday! so get your party pants on for my arrival! cant wait to see you guys, it will have nearly been a year! i arrive sunday 29th april. going to meet up with my mate scouse tom on sunday as he leaves the next day for queensland.
anyways what have i been up to....well organising me trip. i quite felicini a month ago. after xmas they just kept giving me food runner work instead of waitressing, which means running up and down stairs from the kitchen to the restaurant for 5 hours crarying really heavy plates! and without the ££££ you get from tips £5.35 was not making it worth it so i jacked it in...but i made a pretty penny over the xmas period, so it served its purpose!
oooo and i have started seeing a new guy who i really like, the mick situation went pear shaped and turned into a big mess and i vowed to stay single til i leave and 2 weeks later met jack on a my mate elliots work do, which put the end to that. we have been seeing alot of each other and are going to see each other til i go.
the time is going so quickly now, it nearly 2 weeks until i go to france for 10days for a little break in the sun, you this whole planning traveling thing is really stressful, so i decided to go on holiday before me big holiday...catch some sun, before i leave english winter/spring to back into new zealand winter!?!....its seems a little strange to skip summer this year until december but hey i look forward to catch some good powder on the slopes!
right thats my main update, i look foward to 2 weeks of partying and catching up in may!!! he he he...cant wait!! xxx
Wher the f*** is everyone? we're starting to feel neglected over here. just cos we're basking in 32 degree heat and you're all freezing and gettting snowed on, there's no need to be rude.
Come on now, let us know what's going on over there
Love you more than i love having a sunburnt forehead that makes me look like a cross between a Klingon and a lizard
Hmmm cheers for that bruv that'd be erm great and that.
Thing is i'd probably fit right in over here. They seem to be about twenty five years behind on everything so i might even be ahead of the game.
Wish i'd taken photos of what they all firkin well looked like now though. At least then i'd be able to offer some 'direction'.
Off to the Grand Prix on Sunday. Might have got an all access pass sorted out - pit lanes, VIP the firkin lot. Now that would be nice. And Wolfmother are playing at the after party. Woo hoo! Got to go see the dude on Friday and we're gonna get a full on tour of the place. Cannae wait mon.
Other than that, not much to report. Johnny flies out in four Fridays time and i'm joining him in five sundays. Now that's what I'm talking about :o) Incidentally, are you really gonna let fat bloke live at your house? Put a lock the damn fridge and lock the JD in a cupboard...
How the hell is my niece? And where's the grim foetus pics you promised?
Love you dude, and Kate and the bump. More than i love huge ridiculously fast cars and fit girls in bikinis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
That's about it for now. Oh actually i have a johnny joke to share with the world:
Did you hear about the anarchistic plumber? All he wanted was to f*** the cistern...
I didn't say it was funny...
Over and out
Stuey & Katie
Bon Soir!
Dude, further to your request about sending you a suit out, Johnny and I have decided to send you out the white suit with the big collared black shirt and piano key tie? Hope this is what you wanted, maybe you can wear it with your florescent green socks and trainers?
Love you
Congratulations Trish!!!!!
Thats brillient news. We wish you both the best and look forward to seeing the three of you when we get back. Remember, Take care of yourselves, and each other xxxxx
Hi kids!
Just been catching up on your travels. I think you have inspired me to get my finger out of my arse and book up my life long trip across Africa.
Glad your both well. Had some amazing news yesterday from the Trishla and I'm sure she wont mind if I spread her news......shes going to be a mum!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
Need to get off have lots to do.
Jim says hi.
Stuey & Katie
Hey kids
Just wanted to say how good it was to chat the other week mate, problem is the hour it took to sort out MSN also foobahed the t'internet so I've just caught up on the 67 emails that were awaitng?! Anyhoo we are back in the land of electronic mail so speak soon. Are you online Sat? Might be able to chat after we smash the evil manc hun saturday arvo! By the way we kicked arse in Barcalona you cheeky wee sod!!
Love you tonnes
Big Sis
Hey there you two! Sorry not written on here for long time but it was really nice to chat to you online last week. Didnt get there last night totally forgot all about it and went to bed to watch a film that turned out to be soooooo boring i fell asleep!!! Talking to you would have been far more interesting!
Thanks for the emails too keep them coming as they're more frequent than the messages on here i can keep track of you both more!! hahahaha
Just caught up on the last few messages....neil dont worry about sounding a miserable twat.....nothing new there !! Olny kidding hahaahahah. Every one can feel down that a name of a song or what? We dont mind cause we love ya really mate!
How's Mandy's job going? Hope its more fun now they are finding her things to do! Hope your job not getting you too down and they have sorted your hours out by now.
Things here have been pretty hectic. Its been Ej and Ken's birhtdays this week and then on wednesday morning was called into the maternity unit to see our foster daughters baby girl be born!!!! Not the first birth ive been present at but every time it still is a wonderful experience and brings a little lump to the throat and tears to the eyes! watch out stuey and kate!!!! Naomi Kira was born at 10.24 weighing 7lb 15oz. Been doing all the usual 'granny' things and been up at her house most days since. Dont feel old enough really but its a great honour to fill the shoes as the girls own mum died when she was 14.
Saw dad and mum the other day as it was kens b'day. They both fine and stayed for quite a while.
Every one else here is fine and Toria gearing up to a week away with college to Normandy. They going round all the beaches where the landings were during the wars and going to the trenches and cementries. Its quite a packed week and they will meet some of the veterens from the war too. She looking forward to it all and did something similar but on smaller scale whilst in her senior school.
Danny and i are off to Jamicia in Nov for 2 weeks. This is to mark our 25th wedding ann ........will be few months early but hey ho who gives a s***!! Really looking forward to that and im now in the process of dieting like mad so wont look like beached whale on the sand!!!!
Keep safe and well. Say hi to Mandy for me. Hope to talk to you online next week if your there and i remember hahahah! Love you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry peeps, just realised what a moaning f***er i sounded in that last post.
Sorry all, especially Amy. Hope you had a fantastic birthday my lovely and got lots of brilliant pressies.
i blame the fact i got up far too early this morning for sounding miserable. Sorry again
Love you all more than i love Dr Phil
Okey dokey, lets try again.
First and foremost HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY! How's it feel being 30? love you sweetie pie (but please stop calling and texting at 3 in the morning. the time difference is 11 hours remember?)
On that note, can everyone else please stop calling and texting in the middle of the night aswell please. Not that we don't love you, but you all kno how mand is when she hasn't had enough sleep (not to mention me) and as we use the phone as an alarm clock its right by the bed
Just updated the postcards and believe it or not i'm nearly up to date again. Just got Port Augusta (for the second time), Adelaide and Melbourne to do. Actually, that's s*** loads but hey...Cos we went to Coober Pedy twice there's a ten day gap between entries. That's when we went to Alice and Uluru in the Northern Territory. So if you want to read them chronologically don't forget.
Well, what's the key rack? Not much really. Work still sucks although i'm trying to get them to give me day shifts only. This is good for two reasons. First i'll get to spend evenings with mand and second because they might actually start giving me 35 hours a week. Doubtful, but you never know...
I've started kick boxing in an attempt to get my bod more beautiful than Johnny's, ready for the beer fest thats coming our way in a little over six weeks. motivation is seriously lacking though. Its at least 35 degrees most days, which kind of takes the edge off wanting to cram into a small room with forty other people and smash the granny out of a pad for an hour.
The Grand Prix is on its way. Got a brummie guy by the name of Scott coming over to join us for it and he may be staying for our trip up the east coast. Sweet.
Watched Liverpool beat Barca this morning Stu. Thought you were well lucky
Hmmmm. Thats about it i think. Spoke to some of you on Sat pm GMT and i'll be there again this week. for those of you not in the loop, i'll be online 11pm sat night your time if anyone can stay up that late. Dunno if mand will be there. One of her friends is leaving Melb so they're having a night out on sat.
Thats about it i think
Love you all loads
Speak soon
Happy Birthday to MY SISTER
Happy Birthday to MY SISTER
Happy Birthday dear Miss Ameth
Happy Birthday to youooooooooooooooooo
Hope you have a lovely day. Will be missing you millions xxxxx