So, I'm still alive! After 3 days heat, sweat, flies, mozzis, bad bugs and other annoying things in Kakadu and Lichtfield, we returned to Darwin this evening.
I never believed I would walk through the AUS Outback with temperatures up to 40 Degrees - unbelievable hot... I'm not kidding...
Also there were other accidents I really don't wanna think about anymore. The first day I hardly could walk cause I couldn't move my toes, I got bitten to death by bad bugs and mozzis, and last night I got a massive injury on my leg which turned red, then green, blue, brown - all colours you could imagine. That was the result of a tea towel battle But I'm fine - it just looks funny.
Tonight we had a great party at one of the pubs here in Darwin, the others are still there, but we get picked up tomorrow at 5:40 am, so I better go to sleep...
Sorry.... More about the last 3 days another day... I'm really tired!!!
Take care
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