Day - 8 - Santa Monica/Hollywood
We awake bright and early again and head down for our last brekky in Santa Monica.
We do a little research about Hollywood and make our plans on how we're getting there etc and it's soon lunch time. Both getting a bit peckish again so we head to the good old Golden arches for a double cheese burger and fries (cheese and chips again!!!) there is a man in there that is clearly on some kind of narcotic (possible Crystal Meth who knows) anyways he looks very spaced out then decides to stand up and start flapping his arms like he's a bird however whats more worrying than the flying man is that fact that all the locals just act like this is normal and ignore him ... weird!
We head off for the number 10 BIG BLUE BUS however when this arrives it drives past everybody at the stop annoying all locals and tourists alike so we decide to cross the street and jump in a cab .. 30 mins later we arrive on Hollywood Blvd.
The 1st place we recognise is the Chinese theatre and to our surprise the hostel is about 1 minute round the corner so location wise is fantastic! As we're a little early arriving due to taking the taxi instead of bus our room isn't ready so we drop our bags off and go for a wander. We do the touristy thing for a bit checking our the stars on the walk of fame before Rhona spots the Disney cinema (El Capitan) are showing Toy Story 3 in 3D and her little eyes lit up so we headed over grabbed our tickets and got in line. As i look around the line i realise i'm the only 1 there without a kid but Rhona is about as excited as any of the kids anyway so it's ok. When we got in the cinema there's a guy on an organ playing all Disney tunes from all the old films (he was pretty good to be fair) after half hour the film starts, it's definately worth a watch the attention to detail is superb and Rhona nearly cried at one point ...... anyways i'd give it 8/10 not as good as the 1st two but still good!
After the movie we headed to hostel checked in got changed and headed to Lucky Strike bowling alley (home of the Big Lebowski) and had a typical American evening (Pizza, Bowling & Beer!) pretty kool bowling alley lots of Neon lights etc. When we finished we were both shattered and headed home to bed ready for the next epic day when we'd be heading off to Universal Studios for the day!
- comments
DAD Great slide show, makes me wish I was there, keep enjoying yourselves and sending more photo's. love DAD