Nana in heaven shopping in HEB an incredible supermarket. This is the best store we have ever seen with absolutely every fruit, veg, meat available anywhere.
Played golf with a forecaddie. A forecaddie is a guy that first advices you were to hit the shot and then runs to find your ball and then tell you exactly the distance to the green before running off again and then shows you the line of the put then cleans your club and ball and off to the next hole . This is the only way to play golf.
Had dinner in last night with Roy and Leigh. We had some really good Newyork strip steaks with four bottles of wine so we are all a little slow this morning.
Just realized Tommy Emmanuel was playing in Austin last night which would have been good to see. However, today is Mardi Gras so we still should catch some music tonight. Austin is a great venue for music.
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