Day 7: First Friday of the week here in Stockholm. I can't believe it's the end of the week. And today's our last day in class at the Royal Art Institute. And we don't need to walk 45 minutes anymore haha.
Routine was normal this morning: get up, get ready, eat breakfast. But today, we had a guest lecturer from the administration of waste management come in to talk to us about Stockholm's waste management system. It was really interesting to hear how serious they are about waste. And it was intriguing to hear the importance of waste - human waste. Waste is something that we don't really consider in planning, since we have become so used to just consuming consuming consuming. But Stockholm systems reduces that, and encourages it's people to trash less, and opt for products that are recycle or waste free. Their system is also advance, with 20+ years in the making. It's pretty impressive. And do you know what their bus runs on? Poop. Yeah it's pretty much human waste. Stockholm have been using human waste as bio fuel to fuel their sources and it's good for the environment and leads to a sustainable living. I thought that that was really interesting.
After our guest lecture, we went to visit two museums with our stockholm card: the Architecture museum and the modern art museum. The Architecture museum, or arkitekure museet as the Swedish say it, was so overwhelming but so amazing to see. We were able to see the evolution of the bike, as well as Swedish architecture, and let me tell you, there were so many models that that's why I was so overwhelmed. They were so beautiful. It was amazing to see the detail of some of the famous buildings I'm stockholm, and see the history of it's development.
We then strolled over to the modern art museum (it was across the architecture museum) and spent about a good 20 minutes just viewing paintings. They were pleasant to see, but nothing spectacular lol. It was nice though to see weird sculptures and disturbing paintings.
Afterwards, we went to see the Vasa Musuem which was amazing, and we were able to see the Vasa ship that sunk. Learning about the history as well as sailing on the ship was great to hear and see - and I was able to finally buy my ship in a bottle! After this museum trip, we had a class picnic near the museum.
We then had split, and a few of us went to Skansen to see Scandinavian animals as well as different time periods where they had the old architecture and old styles. It was interesting to see how people lived back then. It was basically the same things we have now, but just improved. We then saw animals - bears, wolves, moose, hogs, lemurs - which we were able to walk with them which was pretty cool! (Also scary and funny, since me and Noel couldn't stop laughing since one almost flew near her head).
After seeing the animals and a couple of the buildings in Skansen, we headed over to the amusement park. I was first upset with my financial aid (i was on the phone for about 20min trying to fix it) but once we got in and rode , it was so much fun. The ride was swings that flew high up in the air, and the view was amazing. It was so beautiful to be swinging up in the air viewing the city of Stockholm. Since we had to pay for rides, we just rode that only one. So we ended up walking around the park. I kept noticing though people having giant chocolate bars with them - the size of ME. So Me, Phillip and Rasam went to play at one of the candy booths to win a 2kg of chocolate, so we betted 100 krowns (~$12) to see if we could have won. We didn't, lol. But it was okay, we went home happy and glad we spent the night at the amusement park.
Once we got home, we made dinners and relaxed since we were on our feet the entire day. Most of us went to bed early since Jeff and Roxy has planned a full day of activities in Karlstad the next morning, including biking. So I'm definitely excited to see what we will be doing but until then, goodnight Stockholm. Goodnight Cali. Goodnight world.
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