Day 2: So today was our day off - it was quite an adventure! After getting breakfast with everyone, we separated into different groups and we ventured out into Stockholm. Our group wanted to see the old part of Stockholm, so we grabbed a map, got the GPS ready, and started walking.
Walking in Old Town Stockholm is amazing. Theres no words to describe the beauty of this town. From the old architecture to the new modern touches, it is an amazing city to live, experience the culture and be able to see how the Swedish live. After walking around, we stumbled upon a mall (which had charging stations for phones, which I was so happy about haha). After walking around the mall, we ended up hanging out at a park down the street, which happened to have a street festival going on. Thats where I bought Swedish ice cream. It was amazing.( And thats were I first used my credit card, so I was also happy that they were accepting it :P).
After the festival, we ended up returning back to our hotel to relax for a bit. We ended going back to Old Town Stockholm for a free guided tour, which was a great way to spend the evening. We were able to learn the history of Stockholm as well as the architecture that is present in the city. It was beautiful to hear the stories that make this city so unique, and our tour guide Kevin was an ethusiastic person as well. The tour was absolutely amazing (despite my feet hurting so much from the cobblestone).
I wanted to take my feet off so badly. But we went back to our hotel so it was chill. But we quickly change into jeans since we made reservations at the Icebar near Central Stockholm station. Even though I was exhausted, it was a great experience. Despite we only lasted 30 minutes in the icebar, it was worth the price. We were able to go with a big group and it was a lot of fun to be there. Going to the Icebar was the cherry on top on this fun filled adventure! I can't wait to start school tomorrow morning and be able to learn more about the history and culture of Stockholm!
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