Hi all! 27/9/08We're now in Botswana, officially the hotest place we have ever been with the temperature hitting 45 degrees! We left livingstone on thursday and drove to Botswana. The border crossing was another adventure, as they all seem to be. Although this time the border crossing is a small ferry over the Zambizi river. It takes so long to get over (not because of its size but because there is only one tiny ferry). It is the main crossing point for all imported goods coming up from south africa and since the ferry can only take one large truck at a time, it can take some lorries up to 2 weeks to cross!! The river is full of crocs, so not even the locals brave the water. What was interesting to watch during our 3 hour wait was all the locals trying to smuggle in petrol and electric good. They would leap off the ferry and try and run into the bushes with tvs on their heads! The ferry got stuck the trip just before ours, and all the people were forced off, the guards were hitting them with sticks to get them off. all go! The river is also where four countries meet - Zimbawe, Zambia, Botswana and Nambia. There is also a little island in the middle that belongs to Germany!We eventually reached camp and had our final meal with all the friends we have made as from now on the truck splits and most of our friends are heading to Jo burg but as you know we're heading all the way to Capetown.Yesterday we went on a game drive to Chobe national park but we didnt see much compared to the Masi Mara. We did see a dead elephant (died from anthrax in the soil) and a dead young giraffe (unknown cause). We also discoverd a 6 foot rock python only 30 foot from our tents last night! eek! he was huge and not surprisingly Mair dreamt he was in our tent most of the night!Now in Maun heading to the Delta tomorrow, its going to be boiling! Hope you are all wellMair and Adam x
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