Hi guys - a quick update as we have had very little internet for a few days.
Malawi - very beautiful as we travelled down the edge of Lake Malawi. The truck broke down allowing the boys to play football with the local kids and Adam convincing them all that Coventry City are actually better than Manchester United. Although the people are very poor they are also very friendly and always have a smile for you. Whilst there we had a mock wedding on the edge of Lake Malawi, very funny as it was fancy dress night and Adam was dressed in a tie, a baby grow and leopard skin y-fronts and Mair had a dress/dressing gown!
Zambia - We have had a night near Lusaka, the capital, and are currently in Livingstone, by Victoria falls. Yesterday we wandered across the bridge for a quick look at Zimbabwe and bougtht a 100 billion dollar note for 40p! Here's hoping for a swing in the exchange rate. Today we took a helicopter around Victoria falls, which was superb. Tomorrow Adam is white water rafting, whilst Mair tops up the tan!
Photos to follow once we get to Oz. Keep your lovely messages coming
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