After a wonderful night's sleep, once I had gotten used to the odd bird calls, bugs and constant tree swaying, we grabbed some cheese, bread, crisps and biscuits and made our way out to the Cape Tribulation lookout point. The map made it look like quite a hike up the side of the cape and into the rainforest to get a stunning view of Cape Tribulation beach, but 30minutes later and having not even broken a sweat yet, there we were looking out from amongst the trees on another idyllic beach. Now I don't want to sound unappreciative but once you have seen a few Australian beaches they all start to look alike. Long strips of sand, surrounded by incredible natural beauty but full of evil creatures. The frustration of not being able to get in the sea starts to grate on you as does the sand that gets stuck between your toes.
Definitely worth a look however and I couldn't think of anywhere else I would have rather been at the moment.
Funnily enough as the three of us tucked into some biscuits and once again stared out at sea, Linda (the girl I spent Valentine's Day with), turns up. Australia is huge but not when you are a tourist. You just keep bumping into the same people everywhere, which is quite lovely as you never have a chance to feel alone.
Once we had a little catch up and I sent her on her way, Ellen, Joe and I made our way down onto Cape Tribulation beach for a bit of lunch and a lie down. This trekking malarkey really takes it out of me.
So there I was lying on the sand, reading my book and minding my own business while Joe and Ellen went off for a romantic walk to check out some trees (as you do) when I hear some rustling in the bushes behind me. I flip over on my towel and look into the forest but see nothing out of the ordinary so carry on with my book. More rustling and this time it was definitely not the wind, so I peer deeper and all I see is a long thin tongue whip in and out of, as yet, an unidentified dragon. I watch for a few more seconds and then it takes three steps towards me. It was about a meter long, had four short legs with very sharp claws on the end of them and had its eyes fixed on mine. I stood up. It took three more steps toward me. I ran onto the beach and along it waving my book about like a mad woman hoping to God its little legs were even slower than my little legs.
Bloody Hell! So I stood around for a bit trying to regain some composure before Joe and Ellen got back. Of course as soon as they heard the story they were sorely disappointed that i didn't get a picture of the thing. I think they kind of missed the point there. It wasn't going to crouch down to get a sexy angle on the thing as it considered starting on my earlobes!
After that I was quite keen to get a crack on, so we started walking back along the beach and then through the forest to get back to our little hut and lounge around in the swimming pool and play a spot of volleyball for a couple of hours.
Once my heartbeat had returned to its usual pace we decided to brave it once more and go in search of another coconut to munch on. On our way down we bump into our roommate. Up until this point we hadn't really spoken but he now introduced himself as Francis; a carpenter from Melbourne on a little holiday to find a Red Cedar Tree. He deciced to join us on our coconut mission and tick it off his list of things to do before he died - skin a coconut (not meet three English people and hang out with them on a beach). I have never seen anything like it! Whilst Ellen, Joe and I fiddled with the outer shell of our nut he had the whole thing skinned and cracked and was offering around the milk as if it had been seawater! Incredible.
Francis, a smaller skinnier version of Jack Sparrow without the sex appeal, had quite some stories to tell us. He shared his stories about getting testicular cancer at the age of 16, about how he knew he couldn't have babies but how three years ago he became the father of a little boy (Diami). His parents own the orchards that provide and part own 'Summer Snow' and 'Pressure Fruit' two huge juice drinks in Aus, which made him the richest poor man I have ever met. He also taught me what a 'Dendrophile' was... he says he knew it because he is a carpenter but I wouldn't put it past him.
After some pot noodles, wine and ice cream (standard) we played some cards and took shelter from the most incredible storm I have ever experienced. They don't call it the RAINforest for nothing! The air was thick, the lightning was all around us and lit up the sky to make it look bright pink and the thunder was something else. It felt as though it was directly above us and every time there was a thunder clap the glasses on the table would bounce and the roofs would shake. It was unbelievable. The weather so far has been incredible and I have been trying to avoid rain at all costs but that was unforgettable.
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