Napiers Travel Around The World in 50 Days
Hi folks
well here we are back in Mumbai (Bombay) arrived back this evening, the journey from Agra to Delhi only took us three and a half hours, unlike the 6 hours to get there. Our driver took us back to the Head quarters of Travelpack for coffee before dropping us off at he airport. David hurt his back - no it wasn't with carrying lots of luggage and yes Dot and Bette we only have one suitcase each, small ones at that. However, the hotel were very helpful and sent a reflexologist up to the room to give him a massage. He is feeling a bit better. Just had dinner in the hotel, and David actually tried Indian curry, very nice it was. Just had a walk along the road for some fresh air, but decided against it as there are no other europeans around and I am sick of being stared at.
Managed to visit Fort Agra before we left Delhi this morning that is the picture in the postcard. Lots of things to see on the way back - considering I slept most of the way up there, Lots of performing monkeys, being brought to the car window with the owners asking for money and demanding 100 rupees if you take a picture, and also Black Dancing Bears, they had claws so long they could hardly walk poor things. So sorry no photos of them. Talking of photos, I never managed to download any last night as promised, a german guest came into the cyber room and god knw what he done but her crashed the server and I lost all the download, thankfully they are still on my memory stick so I will wait until I get to Hong Kong and some modern IT.
Laurie, now I understand what you said about Indian Airlines, had the experience, and no I don't think we will repeat it. As you may be aware they do not give a safety demo on life jackets - they don't have any but the notice on back of the seat said REMOVE SEAT CUSHION AND USE AS A FLOATATION!!!!! mind you when you see all the turbans and sarees they wouldn't manage to get them on. We laughed at the announcement on departure " Air Sahara would like to remind all passengers to have a pleasant flight!
Next postcard will be from Hong Kong
till then - Lynne & David
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