Napiers Travel Around The World in 50 Days
Hi Everyone,
Arrived in Dehli this morning at 9.20am our flight was delayed by half an hour and caused all sorts of problems. When we got off the plane I realised I had left my filofax in the pocket in the seat, so we had to wait until someone brought it to the terminal building, - Davey never even said a word!! must be a first. Our guide was there to meet us for the four and a half hour drive to Dehli. Don't know what the problem was but the journey took us 6 hours. Dehli is much cleaner than Bombay and also a lot cooler, traffic is heavy and the roads are very busy, bikes tuk tuks, water buffalo camels and donkeys are just a few of the obstacles in our way. We stopped of for 20 mins for a drink but never stopped. Our guide for the Taj Mahal and Fort Agra thought we had changed our mind but waited at the hotel for us just in case we arrived. Thank god he did. Having travelled so far just to see the Taj and not being able to really would have been a disaster. We are staying at the Triden Hilton which is 100 times better than the hotel in Bombay. We didn't make it to the Fort Agra before it closed at 6pm so we will go tomorrow before we leave for Bombay. The Taj Mahal was worth the long journey it is beautiful, not quite what I had imagined but worth the hassle to get here all the same. Needless to say when we arrived there are lots of beggers and traders who won't take no for an answer but Amit our guide was a saviour. Davey hired a professional photographer to take our photos and they are great, Davey as most of you know is no David Bailey and most of our holiday photos only feature him. However, he knew how long I have waited to see the Taj and decided it wasn't worth the grief of having awful photos, so I hope you like them and no we weren't posing it was the photographers ideas. Another added bonus of having him was we didn't have to wait ages on people moving out of the way and even go the Diana pose without having to queue for that seat. Wish we were staying here longer - in Dehli - Bombay is just not our scene at all, no matter where we go we get flithy, leave there on Thursday morning for Hong Kong. love Lynne & Davey
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