Leaving Tanzania and heading to Malawi equaled two full days of truck driving... 5am starts and 7pm finishes... i think i forgot how big africa really is... Life on the truck is great.. currently our crew is made up of 8 guys and 2 girls.. so the tetosterone levels are running high which makes for impromtu training/gym sessions on long drives to keep us (AKA the boys) entertained.. im quite happy with my book thanks... ah the life of being a man eh...??? Our first stop off in Malawi was Chitimba beach... a campsite set right on the shorefront of lake Malawi... picture this .. rolling out of your tent in the morning straight on to the sand shores of the lake.. which is so big it comes inclusive of surfable waves.. We all did a day long hike up a nearby mountain (our driver like to call is a hill... yah right!) some of the local malawian boys joined us on our treck up .. kitted with jandals and no water (insane!) 3hrs solid incline .. Hudson my malawian chaperone did his best to keep me motivated by ensuring me that is was only one more incline to go or just 30 more minutes (haha) 3 hrs later and the mountain climb victorias i was greated with the most beautiful waterfall scenes.. even national geographic would have been jealous.. so there is a bonus to being in africa in the wet season. Unfortunately (and i should have known better!) blisters followed my nice little excusion that i decided not to keep cover up and i spent the rest of my time in chitimba struggling to walk due to my now infected/ulcer like ankles... well done lyndall!! Forgot (again) how africa can fester.. Some detol and antibiotics later settled nicely into our next stop.. Kandi Beach
Kandi like chatimba was also nestled nicely along lake malawi and the group had some well deserved bonding/drinking sessions... we have had some difficult group dynamics with one specific member (two complicated to explain) however this seems to have resolved itself of those few days ending up with our group going from 11 to 10.. sounds bad but really was for the best (promise!!) we also seem now to have a reputation as a group that preceeds us.. only adds to the humour of the situation though!! Have managed to finally meet some other trucks along the way and have made some new friends that we seem to be bumping into along the way.. great times!! Heading off to Zambia next some more wildlife to be seen and africa to experience.. cant wait!!!
Love to all xxx
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