My number one highlight even before heading to Africa was the Okavango Delta and purely on that basis Botswana has been my favourite country so far. The delta is a 18000kmsq flooded plane, that provides a wildlife haven where the only method of transport is a dug out trunk of African sausage tree known as a Makoro (or a canoe for us in lameman terms). We rocked up at the makoro station on the edge of the delta with 3 days worth of camping (including cooking) gear and loaded up. Rob (my makoro buddy) and i had the unfortunate event of being selected to experience an authentic makoro ride which include flooding to pretty much sinking levels despite our bailing efforts (at no extra charge.. of course).. but we did manage to arrived at our camp safe and sound (eventually). My favourite part of the 7km/2hr makoro ride into the delta was lying back in the sun listen to the reeds whistle while being poled across the water.. truly amazing!
The next 3 days consisted of sunrise and sunset walking safaries.. an elephant never looked so big as when you are on foot, Fishing with hand made rods off a makoro in one of the channels of water, swimming, fishing some more, sunset makoro rides, fishing, swimming, oh and fishing some more! Despite all my fishing attempts and may i add all the boys managed to catch a few.. i jabbed myself a lil 6cm tyke literally in the dying moments before leaving the delta.. i was estastic.. even though the boys and especially the locals thought i was mad!! Fishing a bloody bias sport.. i tell yah!! I really really didnt want to leave the delta and could have stayed another week .. but it was time to move on and i know there is heaps more to see!! Namibia up next!!! Still having a great time and feel like i never know what is round the corner... it is great!!! I LOVE AFRICA
Love to all xxx
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