Heya Guys Just got back from our Jungle trip which was amazing. Tried uploading photos but having problems so have decided will try when i get onto a quicker computer. maybe cusco which is where we are travellng next.
Having quite a few problems with the language as I dont speak any spanish, though I thought we would be ok as ash told me he was quite good and had done several years of it at school. But we get here and I've hardly heard him speak a word, so difficult getting excited about menu's when you dont know what anything means.
We flew into Lima and spent a couple of days there going around at the old buildings and getting a feel for peru. Everywhere is very busy and in Lima you have to be careful when you take a breath in as the fumes from the cars are awful and can lead to lots of coughing. Everywhere you go everyone is asking if you want a taxi/buy something from their stall and evrytime you get rid of one another appears. We went around a couple of old buildings which were really pretty. and we got a tour guide to show us around though her accent was a bit difficult to undersrand!
Then we got a domestic flight from Lima to Iquitos and stayed in a cheap but nice hotel not many places in Iquitos have hot water, so cold showers, though thats not to bad as the weather is so hot and humid.
The next day we left for our jungle tour on a speed boat which took 3 hours. As soon as you leave the main town the houses turn into huts with roof's made of layer leaves and wooden structures of the ground. Under these huts the chickens/dogs and pigs play together. and you see women washing their clothes and collecting there drinking water is buckets to take back to the huts lining the banks of the Amazon. The continuous whirring of the engine quickly sent Ash and I off to sleep waking up every time we stopped at a village to drop someone off, pick someone up of delive supplies suh as solar pannels so some of the hut can start using electricity which not many have yet.
We arrive at Muyuna Lodge.There are steps leading up to the huts joinded with bridges all everal meters above the ground as in the wet season there is no land underneath and they rely on the paths to get around. The staff from the lodge came and carryed our bags to our room, and we are greated with a freshly squeesed orange Juice by a lovely waiter who calls us Sir and Miss but only knows a few word of English.We meet out Guide Julio Ceser. Who's english is very good. All the other peaple staying at the lodge also great us. there are people from England, america, south Africa, Spanish ect who all share there experience of the lodge. The Americañ women Mona Lisa who is very loud but lovely and can always keep a conversation going. She went skinny dipping in the Amazin River. Where there are also eels, dolphins, pirana's ect- wouldnt want any of your bits nibbled!
Our rooms are covered in a blue mosqito net and are quite modern witha newly refurbish bathroom and a balcny with a hammock looking over the river. There is no Electricity or hot water. At the night Everything is let with Kerosean lamp- you also get one in your bedroom and bath room. Which is really romantic and magical.
We then had our lunch Bolgmaise and Pasta and white mushroom sauce. In the afternoon Juli took us out on the Speed boat through some vine and we pulled on the our rubberboots and started out walk throught he jungle, even though we had covered ourselves in the 100% deet mosquito repelant they still swarmed arounf us not bothered at all bitting through our clothes.He showed us a Tree that when cut into out flowed a milky white liquid that was probably a cupfull of sap which a natural painkiller and the people of the village up the river of Muyuna use as there are no doctor in the jungle. Also showed us a tree that produced a natural iodine, which when uyou cut the bark is yellowy-orange but when we came back to it 30 mins later had turned a deep red which stained out fingers. We saw some fire ant also called punishment ants which live inside the tree and when the tree is knocked they rush out and try to sting the intruder. Julio tells us one bite really hurts, they used to tie women who had cheated to these trees for several hours naked as punishment.
Also saw bullet Ant which is about 10 time the size as normal ant which Julio once tried to pick up and it stang him and stoped him being able to use his arm and he felt pains in his chest- something we had to make sure we stayed away from!Day 1 we also saw a sloth and a dusky titi monkey which is brown with a white tail.
We then came back to the lodge and had dinner- pork with a sauce, orange with sweet potato, veg and piece of papaya and melon. and lots of water, not used to the humidity. After dinner We went out on a night tour to find some Caiman which we succeded in finding a small onewhich i held. Also saw a amazon tree boa which ash held mona wanted a feel so snakey got angry and bit Ash- got job it wasnt poisonous hey!
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