Heya Everyone,
I feel so bad that I haven't updated this for so long that I've come to a computer place in Auckland which actually has fast internet so that I can update my blog before i go to Peru, as Who knows if I'll manage to get on a computer there!
Since I was at Greymouth-
I went to meet Ash at the Airport coming back to NZ which was lovely as I had missed him so much. And I stood on the roof and watched the plane coming in with the sun on my face. The weather was lovely that day, i was so pleased to have some sun after grey Greymouth! We stayed at the Hostel that we stayed at before- Thomas's it was called, who had a cat called Thomas. We then got a relocation Car up to Picton. Which was a lovely drive the road goes along the coat where there are hundreds of seals on the rocks You could get meters away from some and get some lovely photos. (Will try and upload them from Ash's camera as soon as poss) and stopped for lunch at a cafe where I had Cheese and onion toasted sandwich and potato Wedges. We went up past Nelson to the Abel Tasman which is really pretty on the first night and put our Tent up alongside the sea. We bought a BBQ and cooked ourself burgers while watching the sunset. That day we wanted to go kayaking on the Sea but unfortunately you could only do tours for the whole day, and we didn't have the time so we couldn't go. But we went to the WOW- world of wearable Art and there were some cool designs. One of the costumes were made out of Tea bags and had pretty Tea cups and Saucers attached there was one room just full of UV costumes. People who are interested a couple of Designers names of costumes I liked- Patricia Tait, Sue Cederman, Lindah Lepou (who did a costume that was based on tattoos), Claire Pebble 'Perelandra', Andrea Clinton 'Octaviachiton', Tarja Pebbruwe 'Astrclis Anemonessence', and Jan Kerr 'Cailleach NaMara SeaWitch' so you can have a nosy on Google images. Ash was quite happy to look around as there was a car museum which you could look around as part of the price and so he took a few pics as he thought his friend Pete would be interested. We then drove up to Picton and dropped the car off and stopped over in a Quirky little hostel called 'Atlantis' which was filled with souvenirs from around the world and antiques. Our Bed was a fourposter made of beautiful carved wood. The lady who ran the place was a funny character and as we arrived she came running outside shouting "rainbow" and jumping up and down like she had never seen one before! Later on in the evening Ash and her bumped into each other in the kitchen so she grabbed his hands and waltzed him around the room. Was rather funny!
The next day we had to get up really early to get the boat over to Wellington. We couldn't find the port though as they had a different entrance for Cars and pedestrians so we were late and ended up running with our big bags and got there in the nick of time! Luckily the weather was quite calm so Ash didn't have a problem THIS TIME with sea sickness! We sat outside on the bench and got some very pretty pictures. We were hoping to see a dolphin but unfortunately there weren't any around. Ash was feeling well enough to manage a whole cooked breakfast and some toast and jam so couldn't have been felling bad at all. Greedy thing!
At Wellington we caught the bus up to Huntersville and got a lift with Vaughn back to there house where we had the little flat outside there main house which had a massive comfortable bed. John and Vaughn were lovely. So interesting to talk to. And didn't expect us to do many hours work. The first 2 days we just pilled up chopped wood all day and didn't really do any more jobs while we were there apart help more some sheep one morning as some where going off to the 'meat factory'. The food we ate there was lovely and had bacon and cooked tomato's every morning and she cooked us some yummy apple muffins, and fantastic meat off there farm. They invited some friends over one night for a dinner party who were funny, the lady was originally from Scotland but moved to NZ when she was young and her husband was a farmer. Ash and Him had a debate later on in the evening about global warming- I think they may have both had one to many wines! One of the days we were there we went up to the runway on the side of a steep hill where we watched the plane dropping fertilizer on the fields take off and land to pick up more fertiliser and he offered to take us up which he dropped. So both Ash and I went up in his little plane on 2 trips each. It was so cool and he kept turning steeply which was a jolt on the stomach glad I hadn't eaten breakfast yet! Ash was over the moon!
They took us to lake Taupo over the weekend which was so nice of them as no other hosts we've stayed at have not been bothered about us not doing much work and they just wanted us to see as much as New Zealand as possible. We stayed at there holiday house there. The first day we went out on there boat and tried a bit of fishing but unfortunately didn't catch anything. We then had a BBQ with there son, his Girlfriend, and all there friends. I had nothing clubby to wear so they lent me a dress, tights, and some shoes- which was amazing they fit me! and straightened my hair. was lovely to dress up as most the time walking farming/walking gear. We went out into town where there were lots of good bars. Unfortunately Gracen's girlfriend managed to get herself barred from most the pubs and clubs so she spent most the evening on the bench outside. The Next day Vaughn took us to 'the craters of the moon' which is a Geothermal field where we watched the mud boiling and steaming again Ash got some good photos. I was feeling a little tired and hungover that day so was nice to be in the fresh air. She also took us to a Geothermal station. and 'The beehive' where you could try lots of different types of honey I loved the Lavender Honey. Then she took us to the 'Huka falls' which I have some photos of- apparently quite a few people have Kayaked down it. Don't think I'd fancy it myself one you start you can't stop and there were plenty of places it could have gone wrong! After the fantastic weekend They dropped us off the bus and we got a bus to Hawks bay to stay with Naomi and her partner. He had stare-y darty eyes. They weren't very friendly and didn't talk to us much. Which was a weird experience she was a mixed media Artist and I just cleared up all her rooms for her and Ash collected firewood. Very alternate way of living the house was on the second story and used to be a nursing home- was a bit spooky place. very quiet was nice to have the cats and dog around.
From there we got the bus back down to Wellington and stayed in two hostels Base- which was soooo expensive, the room was on the eighth floor though so the views were amazing. Then Wellywood which was much cheaper and really nice where could get phone calls from mum and Laura. While we were in Wellington we went to the Weta Cave where all the costumes and animation etc was done for loads of the rings and others. I really needed my hair trimmed as it was awful so booked into a place that didn't look too expensive. But in the middle of the Haircut I realized that it was going to be really expensive so asked for dry cut to keep the cost down. did quite a good job though looks pretty good, and didn't cut it too short. Then I went to a nice piercing place where i got this really funny cute gay man to swap my piercing for the first time so the silver ball has come out and a pretty purple amethyst from Brazil has been put in. The man was funny though kept sexing everything like "let's get this little lady out now" Which I've noticed a lot of kiwi's do. I went to a a little Japanese shop and bought some kimonos which were made from silk so bought a couple and sent them home, so I can use it as a dressing gown and use some of the silk for my costume course maybe.
We then got a relocation car to Auckland stopping at New Plymouth overnight right by the sea and put our tent up was lovely there saw very pretty sunset. Cooked steak and then had early night as it was dark by 6.30pm up early the next day and drove up to Hamilton, we stopped at some caves on the way and went for a tour around the glow worm cave. Little green lights twinkled as we sat on a boat around the caves. Every one had to be silent so it was very calm and peaceful. We then drove again and pitched our tent again by the sea and had bacon sandwiches. Woke up early this morning and finished the rest of the trip up to Auckland and got to the car rental place with 10 minutes to spare! WE are now staying at a Hostel called Yaping house which is on a Mt eden on the Outskirts of Auckland run by Chinese women. All the doors are really low and doorknobs are at knee level. While I'm in Auckland I want to go around some of the Art Gallery's and museums. ON Tuesday Ash and I will have been together for 2 years so we may go out for a Meal.
Will try and Update before Peru. Really looking forward now not long. So it's also not long before I'll be seeing you all again. Hope you all email me soon to update me on what all you lot are doing back at home.
Love to you all,
Lou xxxx
PS Still in my shorts! HEHE!
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