Hello continuing on from the last post about out Muyuna Lodge Adventure. This keyboard is weird so there won't be a lot of punctuation as it´s all in the wrong place on the keyboard and takes to long to work out. Still haven't uploaded photos
Day 2 we wet out on the boat with the whole group to look for anything we could find. The guide´s were so quick in spotting things after they would point it out everyone would stare at the spot saying ¨where¨? And finally find it several minutes later they really must have good eyesight´s. We then went back and had breakfast- eggs, potato and cheese balls, toast with jam and a bowl of fruit. They gave us a glass of juice which was really tart but no one knew what it was- perhaps it was a jungle fruit? Quite unusual. We then went out in the speed boat and they dropped us off up the river in a traditional canoe made out of one trunk of tree carved and made our way back to base going in and out of the trees, looking for animals. Especially tarantulas but didn't find any, found some long nose bats, and saw lots of monkeys cracking open the fruit by hitting it on the tree and playing in the trees. We then came back and had lunch Ceviche raw fish marinated in lemon, chicken in breadcrumbs, pancake with broccoli in and fruit.
At lunch time some new people came. Two Australians Chris and Lisa joined our group and we went walking into the Jungle We saw a ´Tree heart´ which had bright red roots which you can boil up and drink which helps clean out your kidneys. Some Pigmy Monkeys came really close we watched a whole family of them dig little holes in a tree to get the sap out. It was really interesting to learn about the leaf cutter ant which actually cut pathways in the ground from there comings and going with the leaf. They don't actually eat the leaf though when they take it back to there nest a different type of ant eats it then a another type of ant pee´s o it. Then the Leaf cutter ant eats the fungus it becomes. And in one Small nest we saw there are probably 8 million ants. There is a type of vine that you can eat ad it reduces your cholesterol. Came back and had dinner, can't remember what it was but all the food at the lodge was amazing and was mostly local cuisine. After dark we went out to find a large Caiman than the first night, one of the guides jumped into the water and disappeared under the water plants for a few seconds and appeared with over a meter long. Only ash had a hold as if you accidently let got it could easily rip one of your fingers off.
The next day we went out and had breakfast on the boat which was egg sandwiches. We weaved or way through the trees to get to the lake where there were pink dolphins playing. We found it too difficult to get a photo as they were so fast. We did some piranha fishing which is completely different to normal fishing. You have a line with a hook and a piece of meat and you lover it into the water and a few seconds later something has grabbed it the only problem was pulling it out in time to get the fish otherwise it would steal your meat. I managed to catch 3 though I put one back as it was just a baby. Ash caught 2. They cooked them for us for lunch though they were very bony and hard to get the meat off them. Then we went back for lunch- beef with onions, rice with sweet pepper, balls with egg in, and chips, Fruit for pudding tasted yucky! Really sicky flavor.
Wanted to camp that night in the jungle but was raining for a lot of the day so we weren´t sure if it was possible. Luckily the rain cleared up though Chris and Lisa didn't join us as Lisa was feeling very well, and they heard about a previous trip when the guide ran into a jaguar. We boated to an area away from people where there was a platform of the ground and put the tent up. The Guides cooked us dinner on the fire which was hard to keep lit at the wood was so wet. Chicken, Salad and a banana like fruit which tasted like potato when fried and salt added. We went for a night walk using the torches, we had to walk very slowly at night as difficult to see snake I the trees and vines above your hear ready to strike. WE saw a giant jumping from which the villages eat which apparently tastes similar to chicken, a poisonous snake which can kill you in 20 minutes. When we got back to our tent there was a rosy toed tarantula. Didn´t sleep very well that night as the rain started and was sooo noisy.
We got up early the next day and had tuna sandwiches and packed away our campsite. We went for a morning walk through the jungle following some sounds of howler monkeys but unfortunately it started to rain so the monkeys hid in the trees so didn't get to see them. Did see some more Squirrel and Pigmy monkeys though so wasn´t a wasted trip. On our way back in the boat we saw some black Vultures drying there wings out up a tree, as they don't have a natural wax to allow the water to run off them takes them quite a long time to get dry. Also as they eat rotten food the Vitamin D in the sun kills the bacteria in their feathers. Also Ash was please to see a riverside hawk which he got some photos of. Had a lovely cold shower when I got back, my skin was feeling a little irritable with all the mosquito bites.
Had lunch- Chicken pieces in a soup, and banana with condensed milk. We went to the village in the afternoon met some of the people. Learnt that there is only one bedroom for all the family and it is quite normal to have 8 or 9 kids some times more. There is no contraception and the parents have sex in front of the children so it is quite normal for the girls to get pregnant at age 13 as they all know about the ´birds and the bees´! Had a try of the jungle juice which is a really strong alcoholic drink made out of sugar cane from a particular tree. Bought a couple of necklaces made by the villagers with seeds on which are meant to be lucky. Went into the Shamans house he told us he had 10 kid and 67 grandchildren- how would you remember all there names! They put some music on and Lisa went and danced with the shaman. And Ash ad I go asked to dance with the village people. I managed to get a funny video of Ash dancing on my camera. Ash was very embarrassed that he got asked to dance. We then left to watch the sunset on the lake while pink Dolphin´s swam around us. Dinner we had the best tomato sop I've ever had with crotons, followed by cat fish- a very meaty fish, lentil sauce and fruit.
It was raining so played card games with Ash as you don´t find much at night in the rain.
Had a lie in the next morning had breakfast which was scrambled egg, ham, cheese croissant and fruit and toast. Went out in 2 canoes Ash sat and was lazy left it for me and the guide to do everything. We saw some nocturnal monkeys and a whip tail snake which was not poisonous but went into strike position in the trees 30cm above our heads. Lisa and Chris got scared and Julio had to paddle while they lay flat in the canoe. Went back for lunch it was the first time I felt I deserved it as actually had done some exercise. It was pork, rice, tuna and potato mash and rice pudding. In the afternoon we went to see the prehistoric Birds which have claws at the end of their wings and climb the trees. Got a couple of pics of them so will show you when I can. They were really strange looking birds. Went back and looked for tarantulas we found two types. Julio picked one up with his paddle and it nearly feel in the boat. Everyone screamed! We then went back to have dinner and went after dark to do a search for frogs found a couple lots of tiny baby ones not many large ones though.
The last Moring we got up at 4.30 to see the sun rise but unfortunately it was too cloudy so we went back to the lodge and had another sleep, we had breakfast and went out in the boat with the new south African's who had just arrived. We went to see the giant water lily´s, saw some pink and grey dolphins and then went for a swim in the Amazon. We all jumped in including our guide Julio, the current was really strong so we had to do a bit of a work out to catch up with the boat. Was a little worrying to think what was in the water. Shower was warmly welcomed as the water was extremely smelly and left a residue on my skin. Then we got onto the Speed boat to take up back to Iquitos and I fell asleep the whole way there. We had such an amazing time at Muyuna Lodge, and hope to go back one day. Which is the meaing of the name, Muyuna means whirlpool, as visitors always come back.
Will do another blog soon about my time in Iquitos and the floating market Belen. Will be back soon Guys, Flying Iquitos to Lima today then Lima to Cusco tommorow. Love to you all, Lou x
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