Hello There at last I have the chance to update this!
In Queenstown now travelled here from omarama which was near the last farm we stayed at. The bus driver was lovely gave us a little guided tour of everywhere we passed through and allowed us to stop at a fruit farm shop, so i got some cherries, peaches and plums and yougurt coated sultanas which were all yum yum yum, really sweet and juicy all for 3 pounds! There were loads of things that i kept thinking laura would like- kiwi coated in yougurt and stuff lots of dried figs and prunes which were really squidgy- sorry i cant bring them back!
From Christchurch we got picked up by Gareth from the Airport we didn't know what car to look out for and wasnt sure what he would look like AND we forgot his name so we were waiting and we noticed one car go around 3 times so we very embarrassingly went up to him and said your not waiting for Ash and Lou are you and luckily he was otherwise we would have looked a bit weird! We travelled about an hour to Lake collridge Lodge which was soooo beautiful! surrounded in mountains partly covered in snow and running alongside of the lodge was a braided river. The family who owned theLodge were originall from Wales but moved to NZ for a better way of life 10 years ago. Gareth and Dee were very funny and had three kids sam (13) Lianna (10) Sian (7) who very all very chatty though quite argumentative! Dee was hilarious and had a sense of humour similar to Mum. She was telling us about when Gareth fell over and hurt himself and got covered in chalk and lianna came out and was really upset because her drawing in chalk was ruined and Dee took about 15 mins to tell us because she was crying with laughter. She cooked lovely fatterning foods. and foods from home like welsh cakes. She left me to cook some fairy cakes and some chocolate muffins which turned out great i was quite surprised and i'm an awful cook! They hardly got us to do any jobs we felt really guilty as they didn't ask us to do many jobs and so we were getting loads of food and private room with big queen bed for hardly doing anything. I think they were more interested in meeting travelers than them actually doing work as things can get quite lonely being in the middle of nowhere. We went Walking up peak hill which is th tallest peak in the area and had stunning views from the tops took us 2 1/2 hours to walk up and when we got to the top the weather closed in so we could hardly see a meter in front of us so we had to wait an hour 1/2 before we could come back down again and because we were longer than expected Gareth and Dee got all worried and was about to send a search party out for us but luckily we turned up in the nick of time! would have been funny to get picked up by a chopper! I did a bit of gardening and painted all he outside benched with a green stain. Then they gave us a lift back to Christchurch where we stopped at a lovely cheap hostel where we had a TV in out room for a couple of days. Ash cooked me a lovely creamy chicken dish and chocolate cake for valentines day and watched a film. The Morning we moved on to Oamuru i got my lip pierced which i think looks groovy, mum keeps joking that she got one of her nipples pierced to match but i think it would have looked better if sh had got both Nipples done!
Then we went to Glenmac farm which was in the middle of nowhere again to do farm work(so we thought) ended up doing cleaning ALL DAY for what seemed like weeks. Had a private room and meal but separately to everyone else so felt like staff rather than helpers. Quite unorganized kaye and keith went away for the weekend and we were left in charge to sort everything and loads of people kept turning up for rooms saying they booked and we had run out of rooms and someone said they had booked for dinner so Ash had to cook up a big dinner for then at the last minute. Turned out OK though. Was really fed up of cleaning and gardening all the time though. Even on Ash's birthday they didn't give us the day off so he spent it cleaning the dirty cottage where backpackers could stay and for some reason the shower was a yellowy/brown every day...what were people doing in there! WE borrowed the bike int he eve and had a bike ride through the valley which was nice especially on the way back as it was all down hill. went to a sheep sale one of the day was sick of looking at sheep by the end of it so we walked to the town which wasnt to far away and had a luxuary icecream and drink Ash was pleased to have a beer! There was this couple called Jocelyne and Arther (who I nicknamed piglet and Noah- because when she spoke it really sounded like piglet from Winnie the pooh really high,gentle and stuttering, and Noah because in the middle of EVERY sentence he would say No no no...ah which was amusing) at first they really annoyed us they kept coming around and hanging out all day and we thought they were checking up on us while K & K where away but actually i think they just liked having a break from work and were much more friendly than K&K and they owned a vineyard up the road. On our last night they gave us a wine tasting session and wanted our opinion of their wine which they were putting in for a competition. It was a Riesling and was good, i usually like a sweet wine but this was quite dry but i still really liked it designed not to have a nasty taste with essence of marmalade and Lychee's apparently. But was good all the same. Arther was a very knowledgeable guy and kept giving us advice about wine , he worked in law before the vineyard and seemed to know everyone busness and even knew about lake colerage lodge being upfore sale even though it over a 4 hour journey away! He told us white wine should never be left ina fridge more than half an hour otherwise it lets off a vinagarry taste then after 30 mins your ment to open the bottle let it breathe for no more than 10 mins otherwise it warm back up again- a very precise man!
Traveled today to Queens town where we will be for the next couple of days if you need us we are staying at the pinewood lodge- block 0 room 1. Will be seeing my friend molly from stroud tommorow so looking forward to seeing her! I'm being chucked out the internet room now so will finish this maybe tomorrow. and get some photos online.
Love to everyone xxxxx
Hey me again still in Queenstown had a lovely time here. really pretty though quite expensive. Just said bye to Ash at the Airport which was quite sad, only for 2 weeks but will miss him lots and lots! Started speaking to a chinease woment who just arrived in nz and asking me where to go so told her about the Milford Sound Tour we went on a couple of days ago and shared some chocolate with her while we were waiting for the bus to arrive was being very slow! Milford Sound was amazing so pretty Lord of the rings was filmed around this area. I but quite a few photos online for you to check out. Will be moving on to Greymouth tommorow. But meeting Molly in a min to go for an icecream. X
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