Hey again! You would all believe what me and ash got up to today. A guy called clem who is 84 and owns a farm up the road and so many illness he really is amazing how much he does and how he keeps on going. Any way he phone rosemary asking mark to go and help him but mark was taking nina (the dutch girl) to the chiropractor so rosemary said me and ash would go to help and we thought it would be lifting or moving stuff ect.WE got there and it was doing things to lambs- Castrating, docking there tail and taking skin round bum off, vacinateing, and lableing there ears and there was blood absolutely everywhere as there is artery in tail which literally sprays. And they gave me job of doing the tagging whichj i though great its not too blood but i prob got most spray with blood and look like something from a halloween party. Got a photo. and i had to cut heart shaped out of there ears which also dripped everywhere. we also had to separate lambs from mothers and stuff cool but very gory its a good job we werent scared of blood! lol! ash was on castration juty and had to catch the balls in a tight rubber band which made him cross his own legs.
Also since i last spoke have had more horse riding lessons getting better at rising trot and rosemary took us on a very pretty trek around the area and all the trees are beautiful as they get sunburn and turn red and pink but not good for the trees take a good photo though.
Lovely food lots of meat still geting fat from it. But get so hungry from the work.
Shame could hear mum on the phone the other day but will have to phone another time. Yeah luckily thespider came off but for ages after i kept feeling a tickling and getting very paranoid.
Sent xmas card to cheltenham so i hope you get it in time, keep your eyes peeled.
Hope Laura all ok, though ashame about bike will have to walk everywhere for a while
Lovely to get all the emails when i came on here 3 from mum! have been busy!
Speak again soon, missing you x
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