Heya guys, sorry I havn't replyedto your emails or updated sooner but not a lot of time and need early nightsa as up early and long days. Just had dinner it was kangaroo tonight in a sort of stew, quite nice though a little tough. Having a good time so good to experience working with horses only problem is the tiredness. Muckingout twice a day, weeding for 2-3hrs and ridingin the afternoon. Bit annoyed on a couple of occasions as mark keeps saying that you have to hit the horseon the bottom with a stick to make you boss. But i didnt understand why you had to hit them when they were doing what you wanted. But getting used the horses. in reply to mums email i have been riding destiny which is a white male not sure if its on their websire who is a very cute and gentle horse though has cancer in lips and ears so i try and be gentle too. Bertie is my favorite who is a pony not able to ride obviously because of weight but is lovely natured and always comes to me and I get to move him round. Had a good one-2-one lesson with rosemary today shes a lot more patient and a better teacherthan mark whoalways shouts at me to kick harder and says he canyt hear you all the time when you ask a question. But she taught me about postureand told me my tummy is too squidgy which was nice of her and made me feel nice and chunky! marks eating habbits are disgusting! picks his nose, half the dinner goes down his top constantly burbing and farting and is forever making none funny jokes! No laura, we do not get a break at the weekend 7 days a week. Thanks for your email hun. Funny to hear about the sexy chain lol! And graham thanks for your horse lesson email. Its funny as mark always tells us to stroke their face, i suppose different people have different methods- not so keen on his aggressive teaching but then he has a good reputation so it must be working for him. Lovely food here. lots of it but no sweety stuff so got her to buy me a bar of choco which was lovely and ash ate his big bar in about 5mins.
The dutch girls are nice and its nice to have some female company. Though theyare unsure when they are leaving and could be soon.
Thankyou claudy for your email, will love to hearabout your funny stories maybe i will be able to give you a quick phone at xmas, hope the party goes well next week.
The flys are dryingme crazy keep getting stuck upmy nose.
The toilet is quite horrible expecially is someone has done a stinky before you as it just sits there as there is no flush.
mum ash says that can Ann ring him on main phone will cost us if she phones on mobile- which we dont have much money on, plus we dont have much signal. He wantstoknow if his dad is alright as he hasnt emailed and knew he was unwell again recently.
Thats all for now haveto go to bed up at 6.45 as always tommorow.
Love and miss you all,
Lou xxxxx
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