Hello, I hope you guys looked at my last Sydney post again because I updated it so it is different to when you first looked and here's another.
Went Whale watching yesterday we had our brekkie really early at 9 so that we would feel ill on the boat. We got on and within 15 min ash went VERY pale and went running off the toilets, after telling me what a strong stomach he has and that nothing in a plane bothers him and so he wouldnt be sick. Then came up on top again only to run off to be sick again. So he never got to see any whales on the whole three hour trip as apparently he couldn't stand up. A lot of people got ill on the boat prob about 1/4-1/2 which wasnt very pleasent smelling but i was fine. was lovely to see some wales followed a mother and baby for a while but unfortunately didnt get any photos. They were very gracefull. Though as I was at the top of the boat the wind and salt spray has given my face a burn that looks like sunburn but isnt as they was not any sun that day. When we got off I had to go find ash as hadnt seen him for a couple of hours. Then we went for a bite to eat as ash said he was hungry again so we went to a pancake cafe...yum yum felt quite fatty after! We went over to the opera house to get the tickets for the ballet called concord and had to wait in a mega long que but they had some available to we managed to get student tickets for$28 instead of the $80 we would have had to pay full price...I bet ash is pleased i got him a student card now ay!
We then had to rush back to the hostel which was on the other side of the city get changed into a dress which i managd to do in under 4 mins we were back out the hostel and rushing back to the opera house to the balet.
It was a really unusual shape inside and the seats were florecent orange which is quite unusual for a theate. The ballet was reallly beautiful so gracefull and had thee seperate parts the first reminded me of bugs there was a red background and each of the dancer ad a sheer costume with areas of metalic silk dupion style kind of fabric in grey, dark blue, purple and pink the men had tight leotards on and big metalic puff sleaves and the women fitted dresses and big flowing skirts of metalic fabric with a panel at the front of sheer. Then the second part was set in an old fashioned time period of which Im not sure the date but they had judge- style wigs, corsets- dresses, and men had tight trousers, the ballet in this section was quite humorous and told a story. And the third part the stage was white with black dots on and each of the dancer had a plack/white and skin coloured fitted costume all different from each other. We both really enjoyed it.
Today we have to do some boring stuff like buying tickets to get to cooma, washing, packing. :( but had so be done.
Will trying ringing home tonight or tommorow morn so i can speak before i leave for cooma though if i dont get through ash and i will be staying in a hostel in canberra thursday night so will try and get hold of you lot then.
Thanks for all your emails,
Love to you all x
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