Hello its me! Been so long since I could update this as didnt have much access to a computer at the farm we stayed at. When we came accross from Singapore I watched out the window as you could see a storm in the distance so vibrant- and really lit up the sky (as it was night we were travelling) wished I could have taken a photo. And looking down you could see fishing boats all lit up with lights all the way from singapore to australia. I watched some films; time-travellers wife which was really sad mum would have liked it then also Angels and demons though got no sleep so I was exhausted by the time we got into brisbane so went to sleep and really found it difficult to cope with the jet lag over the next few days. Brisbane Bunk hostel was ok- very overpriced though for what it was, and Ash and I really didnt appriciate the girl in the next bunk bed throwing up all night as she had drunk too much, only to be followed by the boyfriend at about 3 in the morning- Our room was sooooo stinky! Bunk charged for everything- like using computer and washing was expensive and they gave us some onion flavoured washing powder so I bet I smelt yummy! At least they gave us 2 free evening meals. Bought myself a new top and belt in brisbane. DFound a shop nanny would have loved with loads of pretty cards and lots of random bits and pieces like masks and costumy things. Laura would Love the shops here there are loads of pretty dresses everywhere. : ) . Then we got the train to macksville and got in at the station only to find micheal not there, but luckily he rang us to tell us he was on his way. He lived about 20 mins from macksville nearer to the coast though there were no shops nearby. Lovely place, very pretty with the beach only a 10 minuite walk up the road and situated in a valley with beautiful trees and birds of prey flying around to ashes excitment and took many photos- of which I'm sure you will see shortly. But when we first got there I wasn't very happy! They lead us to an old caravan which windows were permantly open and nets at the windows but there were holes in places and I kept getting bitten by the midges and mozzies which apparently carry diseases. So attacked the holes with micropore. First I wanted to clear the whole van as I was worried about spiders, and luckily I did otherwise I would have been sharing my bed with a big black one!
That night Irene cooked us a meal which we sat outside in the heat and had a lental mix and lasangue (vegetarian) As they told us all the beasties to watch out for. Black widow, funnelwebb, Brown and black snake the list was huge and apparently they see them all the time expecially up under the dairy shed (which was where our caravan was under.) The toilet was outside in the dairy shed surrounded by tenting but no lights so Didnt go at night as the bugs and snakes would come in and so Ash was desperate and so peed in a plastic bottle in corner! LOL! also One day I was taking a shower and a lorry driver went past and as he was higher up he could have easily looked down at me in the shower- luckily he didnt though that would have been SOOO embarrassing!
The jobs they asked us to do were reasonably easy just take the stones out of the rotton avocados- which were rather smelly and bit of gardening, taking the leahs off some plants didnt really know what that meant so just copied him. and potted a lot of avocado trees.
Finished at 12 each day so went to the beach or went for a walk but was so hot we needed a dip often to cool off. The rip currents here are so much stronger than at home so stopped us swimming compleately as could be wipped away.
Then had the problem with my tooth so ashy cooked me lots of yummy soft things like cheese and tomato omelette and mashed carrotte picked from the garden which were very sweet and yummy. At the end of the week we caught the 11pm train to sydney along the station it was littered with thousands of beetles i think it was because of the lights there. Anyway was falling asleep and felt a wriggling in my trousers and realised a beetle had crawled up my leg so nearly flung my trosers off but realised not a good idea seeing as would have a bit of an audience on the trin so had to get ash to try get it out. felt very awake for the rest of the journey!
Sydney is nice much more rough than anywhere we have been before with a lot of homeless people and at times, scary weirdo's around. Weather has been very mixed could hardly breeth witht he heat yesterday but today was warm with a bit of rain. Went hat shopping Ask looks quite silly in the broad bimmed hat so hasnt bought one yet but i look quite cowgirly so dont know which one to buy yet. Lots of lovely shops everywhere, ash is prob sick of hearing me say "oooo...mum and Laura would love this shop!" But trying to stop myself buying anything as wont be able to bring it home. Ash and I went into a gutar shop and It loooked really small from the outside but it actually was massive- Would have been heaven for rob. There was so much drumming stuff at the back and hundreds of drumming books. Electric drum kits hundred of diffrernt drums and cymbals...even I thought it was Super-Cool! Tonight ash and I are going to the cinema to see new moon. and tommorow we are going whale watching. In the evening we are hoping to go and see a balet called concord at the sydney opera house, but dont know if we will be able to get a cheap seat or not depends whether they have any left two hours before the show. Would be lovely though! Will be staying at this hostel 'Alfred park' untill Thursday which is nice- basic but has everything you nedd and air con that works a little too well! Will update you again on Thursday before i leave for Cooma as i dont know what access i will have to a computer.
Congratulations to Nicola and Graham having baby boy! You will have to let me know what they have called him. And Laura I want to hear about your trip in Brighton any camp people come and chat you up, I hear one guy had a bit of a fancy? :)
Lots of Love and Kisses,
Lou xx
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