Videos probably already know that ive now been in Sydney for a while living with Kelly....anyway we decided to go to Fiji!
We decided to do some island hopping so after some research we decided on the Yasawa group of islands and planned to go from the top island working our way back down to main land Fiji spending a few days on each island.
The first island was Nacula where we planned to stay in a nice looking place called the Blue Lagoon. After a 6 hour boat journey we arrived and were welcomed by the staff with ukelele's singing a Fijian welcome song, holding cocktails for us as we stepped of the boat...WOW, what a awesome start!
We sorted all our stuff out and settled into our room and checked the place out. It was amazing, such a nice place, just what i wanted it to be like. We had a trip to go on straigh away which took us to the local village where the staff came from. It was really nice to see where the locals lived, they were very welcoming and did a show for us with crazy dancing. We also got to see where the chief lived. We were told that on the islands there is no police force anymore and things were dealt with by the village chief who decided on punishments for all types of crimes.
The way the Blue Lagoon was run seemed to be to help the community which is why as many of the staff as poss were from the local village, helping to give jobs and bring money in, it was really nice to see.
The way food worked was 3 dishes were made every meal time, different each day of course ;) and then you just picked what you wanted. This was instead of a menu system. I thought it was a great idea because it meant the food could be much better quality with all concentration going into only 3 dishes and i wasnt wrong, the food was bloody amazing, really really good! During dinner some random guy came and sat with us, he was a nice chap and was telling us all about the island, half way through dinner he stood up and started annoucing stuff, we were thinking who the hell is this guy, then we realised he was the manager. He was sucha nice chap and it was good that he came and sat with the guests at dinner and got to know you.
As it was our first night we had to do the traditional welcoming drink with the locals, Kava. We sat down with a few of the villagers who played a song and sang a song which we had to reply with a certain sentance back and then drink the Kava. It made you feel welcomed and gave you a chance to get to know some of the locals.
The next day we started our diving course, (oh yeah i forgot to say, we were doing our Padi course here to). We spend the next 2 days doing dives around the island, it was brialliant, i really enjoyed diving and once i completed the open water course i carried on and did a few more dives to get my adventure diver cert :)
seeming as we were both qualified now we decided to do a shark dive!Syes, diving with sharks without a cage hmmm. Our dive master Jodi was away for the day of the dive so we headed out with one of the fijian guys who to be honest didnt really seem that bothered about safety but we looked after eachother and did all our checks that we learnt, after all, this is why we did the course. We dived down to 20 meters with a few other divers and held onto a rope that had been set up for us. The fijian guys went and threw fish guts etc out infront of us and soon enough all these black/white tip sharks came and started munching. It was pretty cool and we felt safe enoguh as they didnt really pay much attention to us. I kept noticing a dark shadow in the background coming going up and down behind the ravine and wondered what it was, if it was just a shark in the background......and then BAM this massive lemon shark just apepared and all the other sharks scattered, this thinng was huge, 4/5 meters and it scared the crap out of kelly haha ;) After it took all the food it went away again and the other sharks went away, we were pretty luck y to see it and the fijian guy told us they dont get to see it that often.
We wemeant to be leaving Nacula the next day but we decided it was so nice and we could do everything we wanted to do on this island so why leave...we ended up staying for most of the trip! It was lucky though as tehre were no beds left but Chris the manager who we now knew quite well let us have the managerial hut for a few nights!
During our time there we went on another trip to the caves which was pretty cool. You clib thoguh all these really tight turns and its actually pretty scary as its really constricting.
We played volleyball everyday with the locals who came from the village to play, they were really finny guys and on one of the nights dinner was a "lovo" a type of underground oven. They let me help build it, you basically make a big fire, heat up loads of rocks and then burry them under the sand with the food on top protected in leaves. It was some of the best food ive ever had! check the pics.
I have to say that the Blue Lagoon is the best place ive ever stayed, the wuality of the hospitality was incredible and id deffo go back given the chance.
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