Hi chappies not been on for a while cos as you know I have been in Norway. Pheeeeeew was it c, c, c, c, c, old!!! main reason why I could not send a message until now is because I actualy got frostbite and have had to have some of my fingers amputated, so this message is being typed with my nose (...I had to practice for a few hours before I could build up enough speed to enter direct on message board, so this also added to the delay). However, one good thing has come out of this... I can now type faster than before (just looks a bit odd with all that bobbing up and down).
Ohh, forgot to mention that on my return trip I had a little incident....
Having landed at Heathrow late Tuesday night (landed at 9.50pm, 20 mins late, which made the drive back to bristol seem even looooooooonnnnnnnggggger). I was waiting at the baggage reclaim on arrival and it seemed to take ages... but 'bingo' out came my wheelie bag, ..... but wait for it..... minus its wheels!!! Still the most important part of the bag is the inbuilt compass in the handle and pheeew this was was still intact so I able to exit the terminal without further incident.
Still that is enough for to tonight as mum said all this typing has made me look like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (mmm... had some of this in Norway, very tasty).
P.S. Skype and MSN all up and running so let us know when you will all be be online.
OK Sharon I'm coming to bed now, have you got my medication?
Night All, Ollie & John
Freyer Bailey
Hi Jonathon
How are you? I'm fine. How's the trip goin' wish i was goin' i'm staying over at yours. Taken over your bedroom tee hee. i bet your having a whale of a time grrrrrr. ok now i'm jealous. Went to the mall yesterday got season 5 of 24. Your mum tells me you're really into that. Good for you. So am i! Shame you're away now i'm here. Must come over when you come back! Au revoir!
Luv ya loadz and missin' ya! Freyer xxx
Sara (Oli's Big Sis)
Hi Oli,
Did my pic I sent you of me dressed as a punk scare you away! hee hee. Thought I would wish you all a happy valentines day just in case you don't get cards from your loved ones - I of course got lots!
Have a wicked time at 'The Beach' or what ever the official name of that island is and look forward to some more quirky tales.
Nearly home time now - hurray only two more days till the weekend!
Lots of Love
Sara xxxxx
Sorry it's been so long since i left you a message on here :(
Not really got a lot to tell you from the sunny shores of england, but really been enjoying your journal entries and photos. Keep them coming and hopefully you're all still having a wicked time.
Take care lads
Speak to you soon
Talbot x x x
lol shut up Hacker its not a lame excuse its the truth! Its not my fault im no electrical genius! Though doubt you'd even know how to fix it you'd probably just get in a paddy and throw it against the wall! I win HA HA
Wow dint know that you cant swear on the msg board, what a complete bag of s*** x x x
Hey boys,love the new photos etc Laj sorry its been years since the last msg,i'm not gonna make a lame excuse like gange,I just couldn't b arsed. Have been following your progress with great interest tho,and just a touch of envy. Thanks for the text msg son,think u might have been drunk tho cos u called me a cunu? cant think what you were meant to say :) oh and i love you to x x. Went up2 Middlesbrough yday to watch the f.a cup replay, it was so good it was 2-2 we equalised right at the end of extra time,our keeper saved a penalty which was literally the last kick of the game, i thought it was gonna b our night but the b*****s beat us on penaltys, so proud tho,and very hung over. Better go now then,I'll send you a e-mail soon buddy, take care love hacker x x x x x x x x x x
Hey boys hope your all well... do me a favor. Whenever you do something thats completely surreal, something you would never be doing in Bristol. After youv'e done step back and think about how glad you are that you get to experience it because most of your mates won't ever get the chance in a life time to do what you’re doing in months!
Wow inspirational there fish calm down!!! ha ha nah I had a bad day at wk and just thought how lucky you guys are...yeh you miss home but home is here waiting, boring, 9-5,cold,same clubs, same bars, same everything.!
anyway I told John I would email him a link to the website I been posing at lol!
John Go to www.flickr.com/photos/andyhoughton
love ya
Are you all still enjoying that lovely sunshine,its not so cold here,but we have had an awful lot of rain.Glad to see you are getting lots of messages,I'm afraid I have no news for you.Not be long before you are on the move again.When you get to Australia I shall forward to hearing what jobs you all get.Be good Love Nan
Gem Big Sis
Don't panic Luke - it won't be til at least 2009 - and that's if James manages to actually be slightly excited about it! Men!
But yes it's true I have seen the cake(s) I want! You would love them - one is white with fluff and the other is pink with loads of marshmallows!!! MMMM YUM!!!
Anyway can't wait to see pics of Phi Phi island - it looks cool on the film.
No other news really to report on...will email soon. xxx
Hey guys,
Sorry I haven’t bin on here for a while, my internet packed up at uni until i finally realised we had the modem plugged into the router wrong!! Oh dear, i know - blonde!! Never mind its all back to normal now, took me ages to catch up on all your messages though, you guys are doing well lol. Pics look amazing and im jealous as always. Hopefully that beach wasn’t quite like Lord of the Flies though or you guys would of been eating each other alive, and I don’t think your parents would appreciate that to much!
Had a nice break off uni last week so headed back home to lovely Bristol to recover from all my hard work! Back in Portsmouth now though, not impressed got given another project today to add to the list! : ( well guess I should get back to the grindstone!
Look forward to some more pics,
Take care
Gange xXx
Hey lads! Im sitting at the computer trying to divert my attention away for all the work I have to do ... rubbish third year!
Luke - Sorry! We will hold a moment of silence and think of you while we are there (in the you know what place I can't mention).
Jon - Don't get too excited about Chris joining you, he snores you know!
Laj - Where are you?
Love to you all, Kathryn! xxx