Aloha Guys!
Sorry its taken so long to post this msg. It sounds like your having a wicked time! Your journal entries are fantastic and very amusing! Sounds pretty unreal from what you've been saying, elephants, monkeys, canoeing to secluded beaches...amazing - am very jealous! Back in concrete land, Kate and I keep bumping into Magsy [is that how you spell it?] on Friday nights, he says hes off out there soon to meet you lot in Oz? We've been missing your funky dancing [jon] and I have finally realised I have an ability to find pretty much anything funny when drunk...kate doesn't know whats hit her..chhh...until noticing when sober that my badly made clothes have come apart ahhh!! Right, anyway will stop being guys certainly seem to drink loads, and your getting on alright with the varied cuisine over there? Tales of cockroaches/wasps/ants v v funny indeed. Keep enjoying yourselves and keep the photos coming! xxxx
Daddy Walker
Hi, a very quick one today .... just to let you know we received your photo CD's this morning. I will find a way of uploading to internet so all can see then distribute copies to mums & dads.
Have to say the medication is working today (I seem very calm and collected. I have also been warned that if I don't stay calm...I might be collected!).
Talk to Ollie, Jon and All again soon.
All the best
Diddy Wicker
Mummy Walker
Oh dear it sounds like you're having such a hard time...sun, sand in yours toes etc etc.,
Would have loved to be a fly (or cockroach) on the wall when you were confronted with the local wildlife, Jon and Ollie just be thankful it wasn't a moth or you would have really had your work cut out with luke!!! (you aint seen nothing yet!!)
Luke - just had a lovely evening with Ruth, hope she enjoyed it as much as us!!
Hope all your tummies are settled now, perhaps water instead of beer may help?!
Got to go now and make sure Daddy Walker has taken his medication. Take care, love to all xxx
Little Meady
Hey guys me again!! not been in touch 4 a while, but guess wat........... iv booked my tickets for ye olde ozzy... cant wait!!! i'll arrive there on the 3rd of May headed straight for melbourne, so maybe bumping into you guys on the otherside of the world... us Brits get everywhere!
sounds like your having a brill time anyway, sand in your toes must be a real bummer!! loving reading everyones messages its fab, especailly nan if your reading Hellooo NAN!!
see you guys soon love to you all
Laura x x
How are you doing,enjoying yourselves as much as ever,Ihope.I spent a lot of last night having another look at the photos,I was thinking it looked a bit dangerous where you were swimming near the waterfall, do be careful where you go swimming.Jonathan will be saying typical Nan,sorry,will try and do better all the best Nan
hey hey!
first of all ima throw up a fist for daddywalker and his certain message 'style' too! very amusing if not confusing! sorry mummywalker.
sa, sorry i didnt get back to you bout your pics, you looked fly of course! genuine punk for sure, you can blatantly pull it off!
Tom and Gange stop flirting on the message board! we all know what you're both like!! and Tom i dont know to what language you are referring- i would never speak in such foul ways!
Ma- thanks for all the posts. good luck with all the viewings, im sure you'll let me know. give the doggies a pat and a shouting at from me!
we had our first encounter with thai wildlife last night!! (pretty good going seeing as we've been gone a month today) THERE WAS A COCKROACH IN OUR ROOM!!! shock horror!! we all jumped into manly, burly, lumberjack mode and squealed like little girlies whilst chasing it around with cups, buckets and aerosols! somehow we survived this brush with death to battle another day. Phew. (not before luke and jon paniced and couldnt get to sleep for an hour! not me odviously)
another day of sunbathing is over and now we're faced with the daunting task of getting drunk and playing pool. you guys have no idea how difficult this is for us all! i ask you.. complaining about the minus 5 degrees!!! we get SAND in our TOES everyDAY!! gosh!
Phi Phi Don is swell for bars and clubs and stuff but we're gonna take a boat to Maya beach (from 'the beach') tomorrow to see some niceness. we've booked a journal update session for tommorrow so mouses at the ready everyone!
hope all is swell with all of you lovely people
bye for now
ollie x
Mama Oli
Hello Oli, lovely to talk to you on Skype but so annoying that you could see me but I could not see you, we'll get there in the end I guess. it was lovely and loud and clear and cost nothing but your internet access, so lets hope we can use it more and more. hard not to just keep staying at the computer all the time! I do have a life! gotta go more veiwings on house, boring. hope you having lots of fun. love youxxxxxxxxx ps, my msn is playing up at the mo, need to sort it.
Mummy Walker
Please don't encourage Daddy Walker too much - remember some of us have to live with him!!!!!
Hahaha Kathryn you're right, I should praise Daddy Walker a lot more often! He's an odd but funny one. If you ever get to meet the legend in person....beware.
Dad that message seriously cracked me up and got me laughing far too loud! Glad you had a good time away though even if you did lose your fingers along the way. Can you send me a video of this reindeer action you have mastered?
Good that Skype is set up, I'll try and see when a good time owuld be but most places here shut at 11 so that would be 4pm your time which is a bit lame because you would all be working still. We shall see though!
Bye for now xxxxxxx
Hey Lads,
Just caught up on the messages and wanted to take a moment to say Daddy Walker you are awesome! I love the journal entries and I don't think you get enough praise for the genius! Luke... praise him more! hehe! Anyways... the usual... love you guys and Australia is really soon!!!
Kathryn xxx