Mange Tout Lads!
Loving the pictures, not sure what the descriptions are about, you said you lot were stood with animals but all I saw were a load of monkeys! Tickner you know I haven't lost my skillz!
Seriously well jealous of you guys, looks absolutely amazing. Specially liking the wrestling action. It's snowed over here but as usual, crap stuff that didn't settle or give us any time off work. Enough to call off football on the weekend tho. Pants. Anyways keep us updated and keep up the messages, great to hear you guys are havin fun. Gotta go, Panache is calling me :) PeAcE xxxxx
Mama Oli
Kelly, how can you say you have nothing to do when you have ME to visit! I know I can't compete with lovely absent lads, but I am lonely ma here now and you know really you should be visiting me. pressure.xxxxxxxx
It's a Saturday and I've got no one to play with!! You're very selfish leaving me! I still don't know what to do with myself!
I may have to resort to do some baking, bet you wish you were here now!
Sounds like you're really happy and having fun! I got beaten up again at work yesterday, love it! I'm keeping my arms covered up cuz peope will think I'm being abused otherwise! At least I haven't got you guys here adding to my bruises now!
Missing you! xxx
Mummy Walker
What have you been doing today? Luke hope you have your head covered, see that's what happens when you have silly haircuts (I told you so!!!!!) hope it's better soon (and the hair!!)
Not up to much today, Dads getting ready for his trip, he goes tomorrow, think it's snowing there. I should be getting on with Ben's room really but can't be bothered today.
Had a nice thank you letter from Jack (he's clever for a 1 year old!) and some photos of his party.
Sandra and Andy still having problems getting onto your site, have sent them the link again.
Are you still happy where you are or will you be moving on soon? feels like you've been away for ages now - isn't it time you came home?!!
Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My Name Is Chris
That was hands, not handles!
My Name Is Chris
Alright lads, I won't go on about the weather here, as I have been thinking about it, and I highly doubt you care. I am still spending money on stuff I don't need for when I join you guys. Also calming are Mar cos she is devestated at the thought of me getting piercings and tattoos out there. Knocked her about a bit, I got bruises on my handles, what you gonna do ya know? Anyway, keep having fun, and drink lots of fluids! Oh and do I need a hammer when I come out there or anything? Please say yes!
Hi Jon..
I am not sure if my last message actually went on here! Ooops! Looks like you are having so much fun..I am very very envious! Your pics look fab..I am loving the cute little elephants..AWW..Not too sure about the monkey tho..They look a bit scary to me! The views look beautiful i doubt very much u r missing the views around here!!! So whats next on the list of this magical journey? How is the tan coming along..I doubt i have anything to worry about just yet eh! Hehe! Well i hope you are having fun..And getting nice and merry..or drunken should i say..Just like i would.. Stay safe..Take care..Lots of Love xx
Gem Big Sis
Luke, trust you to burn your head - Im sure its a picture! haha!!
I'm sure Bens mohican is getting bigger by the day! I just hope you dont go as mad as him!
Love u! x
Mama Oli
Hi boys, I can't believe it, I just got to work and looked at your site again and must have just missed you this morning. blasted time difference, driving me mad. anyway, shouldn't really be doing this, so just thought I'd show I've been trying. keep putting on the sun cream. love you lots.xxxxxxx
Hello Lukey!!!
Love your hair, kinda reminds me of someone's else's i know... is it travis..... NO IT'S ME!!!!! cheeky git, the piss you took out me cos of mine and you go and copy it.
I've got my e-mail sorted now so i'll send one to you, so you get it.
You having fun wherever you are now?
Work's a bit weird at the mo, they've just announced that the STS dept will be no more and that it's splitting into three, with each bit moving somewhere else! It's suppose to be happening in March, but no-one's got a clue where anyone's going yet...usual AXA shambles!!
Speak soon, have fun, Miss you
Hi everyone. Just checking e-mails and then going back to....I have no idea. Stayed in for most of the day today, I burnt my head yesterday because we were out in the sun all day so it's a bit on the sore side. Stupid mohawk.
Hope you had a nice relaxing night Mum. We met a guy called Ingo who is from Oslo, he said the snow there is mad si I bet Dad is having fun!
Speak soon x
Jon Tickner
Me again.... I'm a very happy guy as England beat Australia in the cricket, just need to win one more game then we win the competition.(need some bragging rights out in OZ). So I've been watching that for part of the day and then just chilling on the beach.
Not sure whats happening tonight, likely to grab some food. we have been eating from the market stalls the last few days. Really good food and cheap, find a curb to sit on and munch
LOUISE - Thanks for the message - I'm not drinking that much. (honest mum) haha.
NAN - Michael has gone to see Ricky Gervais, not sure where we are going next, all very happy where we are at the moment. Speak to you all soon