Hey boys dont know who's where so i need an update!!! and jon, stu n ollie pull ya finger out and update your photos fraser island certainly isn't the last place we all were together!! plus jon do you think you could fix me up with some picture of whitsundays please, my scrapbook is missing a whitsundays page booooo! hope your loving melbourne jon! n you other 2 boys let me know your alive thanks!! cant wait to see you all missing you heaps lots of love a big laura hugs x x
Nanand Mummy Tickner
Hello just looked at your New Zealand pictures,very good it certainly looks lovely scenery,did'nt we do well getting the pictures we followed your instructions, don't worry we won't look at any thing else,as you said without your permission. Never mind this face book thing we all still want things on the on the message board Take care All xx
Thanku Mummy Walker for the Birthday wishes. Im in New Zealand now, totally out of the blue. Booked my tickets 3 days ago and now im here in Christchurch. Heading back to Cairns in 3.5weeks time tho. Its a quick stop but should be enough to see lots. Hope everyone is well, the website has def gone down hill, thanks to facebook.
Take care Jon xx
Mummy Walker
Hello All, Hope you are all ok and having fun.
Jon - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope you have a really good day.
Take care xx
Hello boys!
Well first of all I'll start off with an apology for not posting on here for so long, but texting and Facebook is so much easier!
Good to know you're all having an wicked time still. Wish I could still be out there with you guys (even if the weather here is really nice atthe moment!).
Going out at 3 with Maggs and Kelly to town for some lazy summer drinking on the waterfront then all meeting up later for a meal. Should be fun!
Anyway, I have some rays to catch but will speak to you soon!
Luke x
Mummy Walker
Hello boys,
Nice to see your message Jon, glad everything is going well for you. Ollie and Stu - where are you? Are you still there?
Hope you are all well, and having a great time (which I think you must be since you don't seem to have time to get on here!!!)
Take care all of you. xx
Yea sorry Mum, I've tried to add pictures on the website today but it has'nt wporked. It's so frustrating. I might even put them on a cd for you and send them home that way. At least you will be able to see them.
I have a couple of days off which is nice, just going to have a relaxing day I think. Having an amazing time here, loads of new friends, love to everyone.
Mummy Tickner
Come on boys where are you the message board has gone very quietI know you are busy but no excuses.The wheather has been lovely the last 2 weeks summer at last ,I guess its warming up with you . Hope the jobs are going well with you Ollie and Stu. Hope to see a message soon Take care xxxx
Seem to have neglected the board lately,I'm spoilt really as Jonathan keeps me up with the news.Ollie and Stu hope the jobs are going well,Jonathan seems to be enjoying his,hope you will be able to meet up again soon,when you do I'm sure will have lots to tell each other.All the Best Nan
Hey Boys,
Havn't written in a while, sorry, things have been busy!
Me and Chris are off on our summer hols on monday, cant wait! I need some sun intake, and Chris is fed up of england and missing the sun and freedom of Oz, so will be great for both of us.
I will write again when we are back, boasting of all florida has to offer im sure!
Take care all of you, hope you are all still having fun! xxx
Yes the message board is very quiet Still having a great time here in Cairns, not much news just working and going out. Freinds from Sydney have arrived, we decided to great them in fancy dress at the airport. Very funny!!!
Mummy Walker - Hey Sharon, sure Luke and Ben was very excited about Reading I know they love it. Hope all is well.
Be in touch soon Jon x
Mummy Tickner
Back from our hoidays had agreat break just what we needed. Glad you all seem to be still enjoying your travels although the message board seems to have gone a little quiet I expect you are busy.Nice talking to you this morning Jonathan it sounded quite an emotional goodbye to Laura you will miss her.Horrible thought going back to work on Monday we could get get used to this relaxing lifestyle nevermind. Take care all xxxx