28th Feb: From Appelley we went to Cochin for a few days, it was a lovely city that had a huge French colonial influence in all the buildings. There wasn't much to do here as such, more a place to chill out and wander around. We did get proper bread and fish and chips (random!). We also found at the harbour you can pick fish from the fishermas stalls and take it to a local restaurant to be cooked as you like it! To pass the time Fred, Charlotte and I decide to have a traditional Kerelan massage, in the guide book the quote is; "lie back, abandon your modesty and experience a Kerelan massage" so we did.........completly starkers, we were pulled and massaged (by ladies) perilously close to our nether regions - the lotus position naked is not ladylike!! The only thing that got me through it was the thought of Fred downstairs having the same thing with two men!!!
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