Lucys been let loose
Hey Guys,
Hope that your all good and keeping well.
Well i must say its hotting up here in Brisbane quite dramatiacally! Do you even know what id do for a llittle bit of that cold weather!
Well i moved up from Sydney last week was well not impressed with Sydney the main attractions can all be done in about 3 days and that includes a full day sunbathing! Bondi beach a little like skeggy on a good day...oh with blue water though! Guess id been spoiled by the beaches in NZ!
Moved up here on Sunday and met Clare (also from Leicester and used to work at the fox in Quorn!!!) We get on really well which is a good thing as im living with her in my parents mates flat(DEBI) Who is back now with her daughter Lizzie. Both fantatic and really like being in a flat with four girls soon to be 4 when her other daughter Kate gets back! Crowded house but hey ho its all fun! We have been searching for a job with no success as of yet but we are hopefull as have CVd 7 places today! fingers croessed guys!
Money at a bit of a low but i really thought that i would have a job by now! Atleast we have somewhere to stay.Though we did go out and get smashed a couple of nights ago!!! We brought trillbys and wore black how kool ay! Very good night out well enjoyed it went to an Irish bar, what fun! Loads of people complimanted us on our hats. AQnd we got 3 free drinks man really cute! Needed a good night out both very down, and with it coming up to Valentiness day were desperaste for a little attention (2 guys with flash cars beach houses lots of money and single oh and pref not gay either) Debs has 3 admires sending flowers all the time The flat looks like a florist!!!! Were just hoping to god that Lizzie doesnt get a card cuz we'll actually cry oh and theres always the hope that we might be working for it anyway! Never thought id say that!!!!
Introduced Clare to my parents while they were here and my Auntie and Uncle too, Had two lovely free meals with them THANKS GUYS and also went to the Koarla sanctury with them and cuddled a Koarla 3yrs old called Nimba CUTE and fed some kangaroos (you can really spot the buoys ones a mile off!!!!!) We did almost miss the boat twice but we can get away with it being teens! Though i am 20 this yr OMG!!!!! So gonna make the most of the teens now!
Right im off will be intouch soon just very busy!!!1
Love you alll
Lucy lou, locket, lulu and matexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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