Lucys been let loose
Hi guys well here i am in Sydey!
Was a little disappointed with it really not quite as expected it to be! The opera house and bridge are kool look very nice at night but by day averrage sorry to say that but thats how i feel about them! Was nice first day arrived here walked into room to find Sarah throwing up! lol brought back all those lost memories of Brazil! But i had a sleep then we went for a long walk and had a meal in a cafe looking over to the bridge which was pretty kool i must say! Then we sat and watched the sun go down by the opera house! Very strange to be traveling again!
Sorry havent filled you in on all the Goss of Newzealad but was ahving such a great time just let the time run away with me really! The people i stayed with TGlen and Rod were brilliant, i really enjoyed every minute of my time there, the whole family and extanded family were very kool and really made me feel part of the gang, specially at Xmas and New yr when i did get a little down!
Let me tell you i had the shock of my life! The Turners through a good bye bbq for me on trhe sunday before i left and i was very excited as everyone was there except neal (i missed you there!) But they had a suprise for me that i knew nothing about, im gonna find it very hard to describe to you too because its one of those moments you just could not capture! Well let me get on with telling you! I was talking to Chris Glens brother about what im doing and everyone was standing around chatting, i had my back to the house, when all of a sudden a voice shouts, " I heard there was a party!" I knew that voice strange but famillier, i turned round to see my Dad walking through the door followed by my mum, my Auntie Sue and Uncle Ian! I was frozen to the spot and my chin was more or less on the floor in shock! Then it all clicked it it felt like a dream! Sue had an xmas pressie in her hand for me (thanks Jules) and then i cried its so funny seeing people when you havent seen them for 4 1/2 months especially when you knew nothing about it in the first place! It was ace!!!! I cnt descibe it any other way but just thinking about it takes me back to then! Infact i wasnt sure if to cry or throw up, i mean that in the nicest way!
Anyway went out last night and pulled the finest army dude Irish and gorg need i say anymore! Been bit homesick but nothing major, just getting on and really enjoying myself!
Hope your all ok, will update you with all the amazing stuff and scenery in Newzealand! I love it there and am def going back, people made it too, those of you reading i love you all and miss you lots!
Spk soon oh new mobile number is: 0416348964
Lucy lou xxxx
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