Lucys been let loose
Thats right guys ive been travelling now for 7months just another 5 to go!
Have booked accomadation for the 2months! Have also booked to go to Cambodia on the train...its only costs 70p but you should see the train!
I'll say sorry now as this email is very long, but i think very funny!!!!
Well i hope that your all well and lookig foreward to easter...all the people in shops round here i wearing bunny ears...yes i was pretty scared at first, where i am now in the BLUE MOUNTAINS s very pretty but there all a bit backwards here! The worst thing that Clare has left to travel Nz and Fiji for a bit and im alone...ok well thats bit ok cuz i thought i'll meet new people. However i seem to have spent two nights in a 6 dorm on my own and today im woke by two American girls who can i just say are probably the most annoying people i have ever met in my life! All in all its pretty lonely but have things planned from tomorrow! Gonna see ICE AGE2 tonight like a loner! Oh well could do with a laugh!
Right onto Hervey bay and Fraser Island:
We arrved after a lovely 8 \hr bus journey and got setteled in to our was actually really nice hostel. We stayed up drinking and talking with some lads from Manchester and had a real laugh. Then we went for our meeting the next day to find out who we were gonna be with in the 4x4wd tour. You know when you walk in a room and you automatically know who you wanna be with...well there were these 4 lads public school very nice looking boys and myself and clare kinda had a litte bit of drool flowing from the side of mouths when they introduced them selves ... to make things better they had a rugby ball with them and one had a england shirt on...i was in heaven!
Then our group was called know when some other people come in the room and you pray to god that there ot in your group well in they came. I looked at Clare and Clare looked at me and we both new what was coming next! YEAH we were in there group! The young fat greasy dude was about 25 and his dad was 69! OMG we were in for it now! Then they called the rest of the group out and it turned out 3 girls from Norway (who were really darlins!) and 2 boys and a girls from Holland (also very nice people!) And one German girl who didnt speak very good english! (but she was nice enough)
Next came the total insult we were all too young to drive, you had to be 21 so the driving was left to Grandad, I was the only one in the group with a drivers lisence who drove on the left hand side of the road and who was use to a manual! Can i just say OH MY GOD!!! We stalled about 20x one the way to the ferry and one off the ferry it continued we then nearly crashed into another vericle! That was within the first hour. For the rest of the trip we only had near misses like rolling down a hill and early crashing into the poles either side, by the 3rd day we though he's got the hang of it but sadly not shame as well with it being the last day! When driving off the ferry (in a straight line!!!) He managed to stall and we nearly went off the cliffs and im not joking or exagerating i thought it was the end! We managed to get onto land eventually and drive back to the place it was only 20 minutes so i was quite relaxed apart from when he pulled on the road from a side junction and was on the right hand side with a lorry coming at us i screamed and lept from the back to the stearing wheel...he thought i was a mad woman he said, "Its ok sweetie im just getting my barrings!" Im not even gonna put what i thought!!
Apart from the driving we had a lovely time with the guys and made really good friends ive even learnt some norweigen!
We swam in fresh water lakes with eels and camped on the beach, we didnt swim in the sea because of the huge amount of jelly fish and Tiger sharks! GREAT!!!
Now let me tell you the two little thngs that niggles me about the fat canadian grease ball,
We were going to go down and set up camp as the place he chose the night before was awful and very windy so we were gonna set up while they did the washing up before it got dark!
Peter his name was, said to me "Are just you 5 girls going to go and set up the tents? will you be ok?" well i about smacked him one, but just smilled and said of course!
So Clare, myself and the girls from Norway went to set up camp we did it record time ad even made a cooking space and managed to just l\sit down and be haveing a nice glass of wine when peter got there! Man i hate men like that.
we continued to get very drunk and play a game called Spread them, I had to sing Lucy i the sky with diamonds everytime i had to drink...which was a lot of times and by the end of the night i was singing pretty much anything in sight in the sky with diamonds...such as Buscuits in the sky with diamonds becasue i ate one!!! Oh dear...but what a laugh we had! We started at four and were all in bed by half 9 how funny...i dnt know how but i managed to go into the tent put on my pjs and get in my sleeping bag and even fold my clothes! I did not feel great in the moring! And guess what the last day after not howing for 3 days and looking hung over we went for a swim in the creek and who turns up non other than the hot lads...yeah typical i know!!!!
Right this is way to log and ive been on here too long...if im not carefull i wnt be eating tonight at this rate!
Will email about Byron bay and my TP adventures soon!
Hope your all well and you still awake to read this last bit!
I love you and miss you all very much
Lucy Lou xxxx
Ps Nxet week im gonna be a cow girl on a real ranch!
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